DALLAS — Two monkeys were removed from the Dallas Zoo on Monday, according to authorities. This is the latest in a succession of strange incidents that have occurred at the attraction in recent weeks, including the cutting of fences and the inexplicable death of an endangered vulture.
In none of the investigations have any arrests been made, and the police have not stated whether the instances are related.
Police in Dallas suspect that someone cut a hole in an enclosure and stole two emperor tamarin monkeys, little primates with mustache-like whiskers.
“It was evident that the habitat had been compromised on purpose,” the zoo said in a statement that provided little other details.
Following the shutdown of the zoo on January 13 and a daylong hunt for a clouded leopard named Nova, the tragedy occurred.
She was ultimately discovered close to her environment, but police stated the fencing had been cut with a tool. A similar gash was discovered in the enclosure of langur monkeys, but none escaped.
On January 21, a critically endangered vulture named Pin was discovered dead, and the zoo said that the death did not appear natural. Gregg Hudson, president and CEO of the zoo, stated that the vulture had “a wound.”
Ed Hansen, chief executive officer of the American Association of Zoo Keepers, stated that he could not recall a zoo experiencing such a high frequency of such instances.
Hansen stated, “It appears that somebody has a serious problem with the Dallas Zoo.”
Hansen, who rated the Dallas Zoo’s reputation within the industry as “excellent,” stated that accredited zoos have double-perimeter fence and that a zoo of Dallas’ size would have a security patrol.
The zoo has reportedly added more cameras and enhanced nighttime security patrols.
The zoo stated on Monday that the two missing emperor tamarin monkeys would likely remain near their enclosure, but a search of the zoo grounds was unsuccessful.
Animals have already escaped their confines at the Dallas Zoo. In 2004, a 340-pound (154-kilogram) gorilla named Jabari leaped over a wall and harmed three people during a 40-minute rampage before being shot and killed by authorities.
»2 monkeys were abducted from the Dallas Zoo in the most recent suspicious incident«