50% of our colleges promote their progressive agenda to students

A scathing ranking reveals that more than half of Britain’s institutions teach pupils controversial and extreme ‘woke’ views.

The University of Chester cautioned students reading the Harry Potter books, claiming they ¿can lead to difficult conversations about gender, race, sexuality, class and identity
Critics charged Sunday night that some of the nation’s most famous universities are “poisoning the minds of future generations” by subjecting undergraduates and professors to “trigger warnings” and guidance on “white privilege.”

The table is dominated by elite Russell Group universities, which account for eight of the top ten positions. Cambridge and Oxford are ranked #1 and second for introducing “unconscious bias” and race workshops for freshmen, followed by the University of Bristol, which has banned offensive phrases such as “mankind”

The University of Chester issued a warning to students who read the Harry Potter series, stating that they could spark “difficult conversations about gender, race, sexuality, class, and identity.”

Political correctness has now cast a “dark shadow” over our most prestigious universities, according to free-speech activists and members of parliament, who deemed the findings “unsettling.”

Dr. Richard Norrie, a researcher at the think tank Civitas, compiled the table after studying university websites, national and local media, and promotional materials for examples of “campus wokery.”

Aberdeen University issued a trigger warning for Peter Pan because it could be ¿emotionally challenging¿Compiled by Dr Richard Norrie, a researcher at the think-tank Civitas, the table ranks 137 universities after scouring websites, national and local media, and promotional materials for examples of ¿campus wokery'

Sixty-two percent contained references to trigger warnings or ‘content notes’ aimed to alert pupils to potentially hazardous or disturbing material. Seventy-nine schools included references to ‘white privilege’ in instructions provided to staff and students or on their website, while 59 percent provided online training materials or resources on ‘anti-racism’

Sir John Hayes, chair of the Common Sense Group of Conservatives and former minister of further education, stated that universities were squandering money on “woke nonsense.” “Universities should be places of light and freedom,” he told the Mail, “but a shadow has fallen over too much of higher education.”

The University of Aberdeen issued a trigger warning for Peter Pan because it may be “emotionally taxing.”

Dr. Richard Norrie, a researcher at the think tank Civitas, compiled the table after studying university websites, national and local media, and promotional materials for examples of “campus wokery.”

Bosses at the University of Glasgow also warned archaeology students their course might involve examining bones and looking at a preserved ¿bog body¿

Too many universities are not only wasting cash but also risk poisoning the minds of future generations by replacing scholarship with rubbish. The news is alarming.

The study found that Britain’s elite universities were nearly twice as likely as lesser-known institutions to promote ‘radical’ and ‘controversial’ ideas. Dr. Norrie criticized this as a ‘new morality that reeks of hypocrisy,’ especially since many of these universities are happy to accept Chinese funding.

The analysis coincides with an increase of “campus wokery.” Alarming instances include:

The University of Aberdeen issued a trigger warning for Peter Pan because it may be “emotionally taxing.”
The University of Chester issued a warning to students who read the Harry Potter series, stating that they “can lead to difficult conversations about gender, race, sexuality, class, and identity”

Imperial College London urged its students and faculty to engage in “difficult conversations” with those who deny white privilege; The University of Warwick has officially banned the term “trigger warning” on the grounds that it could upset students.

Archaeology students at the University of Glasgow were also told that their study may involve examining bones and a preserved “bog body.”

The term ‘white privilege’ refers to the inherent advantages that white people possess due to their race.

Archaeology students at the University of Glasgow may be required to examine bones and a preserved ‘bog body’ as part of their studies.

Without conscious knowledge, “unconscious bias” occurs when taught stereotypes regarding race, gender, or sex are applied.

Additionally, the analysis revealed that 84% of universities had substantial linkages to China. Cambridge, deemed the ‘awakeest’ university in the UK by the survey, reportedly received £73 million in donations and research funds from Chinese sources, including the controversial telecoms company Huawei, over the course of five years.

Our colleges are places where free speech and the expression of all ideas and perspectives are encouraged and protected, according to a Russell Group representative. This report, which is founded on faulty assumptions, contains no evidence to the contrary.

Complete university radical progressivism rankings

»50% of our colleges promote their progressive agenda to students«

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