The council evicts a 65-year-old man from the shipping container in which he has resided for the past THREE DECADES because he did not obtain planning clearance.
Since 1992, Stephen Gibbons, 65, has lived in shipping containers on his farm in Newport, south Wales.
The local government claims Mr. Gibbon never contacted them or filed for a change of use for the previous agricultural buildings and yard on his three-acre farm near St Brides, which included 14 sheep, some horses, and goats.
Mr. Gibbons, a former dump worker, has been given six months to vacate the home he has occupied for thirty years.
The local council has ordered a 65-year-old man who has lived in a shipping container in south Wales for 30 years to vacate within six months.
Former waste worker Stephen Gibbons has been at the land in St Brides, Newport since 1992 – but the council allege he has been living on the three acres of his farm without telling them about a change of use.
Mr Gibbons said he had to reside at the house after getting divorced but insisted it ‘isn’t a secret and it never has been’, adding: ‘All the neighbours and everyone knows I’m here.’
However, according to Newport council’s planning committee, he never contacted them or submitted an application for a change of use for the old agricultural buildings and yard – with 14 sheep and a few horses and goats – to a mixed-use complex, which incorporates vehicle repair and residential usage.
Mr. Gibbons stated that, with the exception of one tractor, he has not maintained vehicles at the farm, but he acknowledges that he has resided at Lighthouse Farm for decades and never notified the authorities.
The planning committee of Newport council asserts that Mr. Gibbons never contacted them or requested a change of use for the former agricultural facilities.
Since 1992, Stephen Gibbons, a former refuse collector, has resided in the opulent home in St. Brides, Newport, south Wales.
Mr. Gibbons has spent thirty years transforming the interior of the shipping containers into a luxurious residence with a gorgeous fireplace, marble flooring, and wallpaper.
The property has three living areas, one bedroom, and a bathroom, as well as sliding doors connecting the rooms and a spectacular interior design, including wooden paneling, carpets, and sliding doors.
The house features three living rooms, one bedroom, and a bathroom, as well as a gorgeous interior design that includes a fireplace and marble flooring.
It also has the practical goods required in any home, such as a huge dining table for entertaining and an assortment of Mr. Gibbon’s accumulated items.
The property, constructed from shipping containers, is also functional, as it is cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
Mr. Gibbon, who said he has “lost everything” as a result of the council’s decision, appealed the enforcement notice last year on the grounds that the residence should be exempt from any enforcement action due to its long existence.
This week, however, the planning inspector ruled in favor of the council, adding, “These purposeful actions of deception and concealment should prevent the appellant from receiving immunity.”
Mr. Gibbon stated that he had no intention of living in the property at first, but his circumstances forced him to do so.
My father bought it from the neighbor in 1990, he claimed. We purchased the acreage for cattle, horses, and other livestock, with no idea of settling here.
Mr. Gibbon, who claimed to have “lost everything” due to the council’s decision, challenged the enforcement notice last year, but the planning inspectorate ruled in favor of the council.
Mr. Gibbon stated that he had no intention of living on the land when his father purchased it 30 years ago, but his divorce forced him to do so.
Mr. Gibbon claims he has only ever fixed a farm-related vehicle on the site, a tractor, but the council claims he is using the land “for other purposes.”
Then I was divorced and was forced to reside here. It is not a secret, nor has it ever been. I have lived here for 30 years, so it’s not as if I recently did something. Everyone and my neighbors are aware of my presence here. It even appears on Google Earth. It can be seen.
“It took me a long time to get it to this point. It has required a great deal of time and effort to get better and better.
There are only shipping containers. The climate is cool in summer and warm in winter. I did that 30 years ago, and it is now a prevalent practice. I live here by myself today, but I formerly lived with my children.
“I’ve had a wonderful time here, and I’ve brought four of my children.” It is the nicest place, and everybody loves me. All the locals attest to my credibility.
All of his neighbors have showed their support and appreciation for the work he has done in the community, especially during the coronavirus epidemic when he organized a local relief group to assist vulnerable individuals.
Stephen remarked, “It’s really aggravating when a caravan club can put five trailers here and nothing can be done if they continue to move.” It does not appear fair.
He stated that he does not know how the council found out about his living situation, but he suspects that someone with whom he had a dispute reported it.
It also has the practical goods required in any home, such as a huge dining table for parties and a range of Mr. Gibbon’s accumulated items.
There are three bedrooms on the property, each with a huge bed, wooden floors, freshly painted walls, and other bedroom requirements.
He asserts that he has spent a great deal of time transforming the property into his house and that he hoped this would help him when appealing the council’s decision.
The council has ordered him to vacate the home within six months, return it to its prior condition, and pay £8,000 in administrative fees.
He continued, “When I first received the letter from the council, I assumed I was in the clear because I had lived here for so long.” Due to the time constraint, I believed that it was completed. It should not have exceeded 1996.
What do they mean when they claim I’m utilizing it for other purposes? All of my tools are for the farm. I have repaired a tractor. I don’t mend vehicles. What do they expect me to do, operate a faulty tractor?’
The council has ordered him to vacate the property within six months and restore it to its original condition. Additionally, he must pay administrative fees, which he estimates will cost £8,000.
He stated that he is uncertain about his response to the council’s decision.
He stated, “I don’t know what I’ll do.” “My ex and I own a house together, but I can’t live with her, can I?”
‘It is distressing, of course. I have photographs of my children living here when they were that age.
Cabinet member for strategic planning, housing, and regulation, Councillor James Clarke, stated, ‘I’m pleased that Planning and Environmental Wales concurred with the council’s assessment that this structure was erected without permission and deliberately concealed to circumvent planning regulations.
“Planning regulations exist for valid reasons.” This judgement illustrates that purposeful attempts to deceive or mislead will be uncovered in an effort to safeguard all of us from harmful development.
The council will take action against anyone who intentionally violates the regulations in this way.