91-year-old great-grandfather reportedly bashed by 8-year-old

A great-grandfather reportedly beat by an eight-year-old kid with terrible wounds.

The child is reported to have unlocked the automobile door while the old guy was seated inside it at the Cruising Yacht Club in Rockingham, Western Australia.

Then, according to the allegations, he repeatedly hit the elderly guy in the head before a 37-year-old male followed suit.

The 91-year-old victim, called Peter, reportedly didn’t recognise any of his assailants.

His relatives said that he had never met them and had never interacted with the youngster or the guy before to the attack.

According to a statement released by Peter’s family, he and a female friend, 86, had just left the Cruising Yacht Club after spending a “wonderful night out with pals.”

After a little time, they were able to drive away, and when they got home, scared and in complete disbelief, they called the police.

According to the family, Peter and his buddies had been meeting up in Rockingham for almost 15 years without encountering any other problems.

They claimed, “Dad and several friends get together most Friday evenings at various locations in the Rockingham area to dance, sing-along, and catch up.”

“We are all really baffled as to why the attack occurred, particularly Dad.”

He is much more careful when he is out and about after receiving sutures to his eyelid, confirmation of various fractures, and several appointments for doctors to arrive.

The 37-year-old guy was eventually taken into custody after he refused to provide police any information about his identification.

He is said to have resisted arrest before attempting to assault cops when they were holding him and threatening the officers’ families.

The guy has now been charged with assault resulting in serious bodily injury, refusing to provide personal information, hindering authorities, and disruptive conduct within a police station.

The eight-year-old youngster, who is under WA’s legal age of criminal responsibility, has not been charged.

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