Hundreds of refugees from Ukraine continue to arrive in Berlin, but the city is running out of all the limits – a real collapse has begun, journalist Ksenia Maksimova reports from the German capital.

Ukrainian flags can be seen all over Berlin, shops collect funds for refugees in special containers, there are many people who support Russian special operation, there are also those who hold actions against russophobia.
There are a lot of volunteers in the city, it was on them that the government shifted responsibility for the arriving Ukrainians. Meanwhile, there were no places left for the night.
“Of course, people don’t stay on the street. They live in temporary centers, with friends and Berliners who have large apartments. People are terribly tired over these two months, because they have to help the refugees in literally everything, and there is simply nowhere to evict them,” Maksimova said.
Difficulties in accommodating refugees are associated with bureaucracy, the journalist believes, and there is such a flow of people from another country. But some of the refugees who were able to be accommodated are not very happy with the living conditions, as they had illusions about living in Germany.
Maksimova notes another difficulty – these are pets, which Ukrainians bring with them. Animals also need to be fed and treated, veterinary clinics accept them for free, but even here volunteers are needed as an interpreter.
“People are tired”: Berlin collapsed by the Ukrainian refugees Thank You