Are you Havana laugh? MPs furious over ANC plan ‘to donate R50m to Cuba’

This really isn’t going to sit well with an already gatvol public, and the ANC government is set to face an enormous backlash – if their reported plan to give R50 million to the state of Cuba actually goes ahead.

Is the ANC giving R50 million to Cuba?

A cohort of MPs flew out of the blocks on Wednesday to eviscerate the logic behind such a donation. Perhaps the most vocal of them all was IFP representative Liezl van der Merwe. She lashed out after a report on the matter was published by the state broadcaster, questioning where the government’s priorities really lie.

“Say what? So we take out loans to bail-out other regimes? What about our own citizens? The millions living in poverty and the millions unemployed? The millions living on a R350 alone? Our government is really a grave disappointment! Let’s stop this madness in 2024!”
Liezl van der Merwe

Alleged ANC Cuba donation sparks outrage

Meanwhile, DA MP and serving shadow minister Dean Macpherson has also blasted the reports, accusing the ANC of ‘continuously caring more about Cuba than they do about South Africa’. The supposed donation has also irked several political commentators in Mzansi, who simply couldn’t contain their dismay.

Why the love-in?

South Africa was GIVEN a loan of R11.4 billion just last week by the World Bank – and the cash had barely cleared in the account before this latest controversy was cooked up. It’s alleged that the ANC want their R50 million relief package to help alleviate the ‘food security problems’ on the island, for which they blame ‘US sanctions’.
It’s the latest in a long line of bizarre – yet beneficial – agreements Cuba has managed to secure with South Africa. The socialist nation scored a tidy sum to send some of its doctors over to Mzansi at the height of the pandemic.
SANDF also spent hundreds of millions of Rand on ineffective and unproven COVID treatments produced by Cuba. Should the ANC stick to their guns in regards to this donation, there will be A LOT for them to answer for.