Today, the Minister of Housing Hon Dr Megan Woods and the Associate Minister of Housing (Māori Housing) Peeni Henare announced a further investment in housing to build up to 131 new homes for whānau who need them most.
Ministers Woods, Henare and Jackson joined Ngāti Kahungunu in Wellington this morning to sign the partnership, which follows on from previous agreements with Toitū Tairāwhiti in May and Ka Uruora in April this year as part of the National Māori Housing strategy MAIHI Ka Ora.
“The housing crisis was decades in the making, and we are working hard to turn it around through our housing policy reforms, and the largest Government investment since the 1970s,” Megan Woods said.
“Our programme is building new housing, and our regional economies and construction sector are receiving a boost through our record infrastructure investment, all helping to secure New Zealand’s economy for future generations.
“Today’s announcement of a housing investment of $45.3 million is yet another great example of the Government working alongside Iwi and Māori to advance housing projects in a way that responds to different whānau needs, prevents homelessness, and improves Māori housing security.
“This Government has made a record investment in Māori Housing. In last year’s Budget we committed $730 million to Māori housing supply and Infrastructure,” Megan Woods said.
Associate Minister of Housing (Māori Housing) Peeni Henare said he is committed to ensuring that this investment is made in partnership with Māori, taking a by Māori for Māori approach.
“Entering into this partnership with Ngāti Kahungunu today demonstrates our ongoing commitment to working with iwi to respond to whānau housing needs,” Peeni Henare said.
“Ngāti Kahungunu were identified through the National Iwi Chairs Forum last year as an iwi ready to partner with the Government to deliver Māori housing in their rohe.
“Today we take time to celebrate another milestone investment, and the formation of a partnership we have galvanised, founded in shared priorities and values.
“This investment means Ngāti Kahungunu can continue to plan to build the new houses in an innovative way that will focus on an integrated supply chain through partnering with building providers, investing into off site manufacturing and also providing training and employment opportunities for local people to help with the pipeline of housing projects ready to progress.
“This partnership with Ngāti Kahungunu will see up to 131 more affordable rentals and papakāinga being built throughout the Ngāti Kahungunu rohe, getting whānau into dry warm homes more quickly as well as helping some reconnect with their whenua.
“Today’s announcement sees us continuing to deliver on the promises we made in MAIHI Ka Ora, to work in partnership with Māori and our commitment to delivering a better Māori Housing future for our whanau,” Peeni Henare said.