Health Minister Phaahla has called for calm after measles is detected in Gauteng

After four cases of measles were discovered in Gauteng, Health Minister Dr Joe Phaahla urged for calm and monitoring.

These instances were discovered as part of normal surveillance efforts focused at recognizing, investigating, and responding to every suspected case of this vaccine-preventable disease.


The Department of Health stated in a statement on Monday that four suspected cases of measles from people living in Gauteng were reported in the last two weeks of May and were later verified through laboratory testing by the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD).


Three of these cases are from Tshwane, indicating that the city is having a measles outbreak. The fourth case involves a person who lives in Gauteng’s West Rand.


According to the department, all four people are currently being isolated and are healing.

Health officials from the impacted districts and towns are collaborating to identify and vaccinate contacts.

Minister Phaahla has asked parents and caregivers to ensure that their children are up to date on their vaccines against measles and other childhood diseases, according to the vaccination schedule.

“Measles is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus that is disseminated mostly through infectious airborne respiratory droplets produced by infected people coughing or sneezing.”

“However, the measles vaccine has been in use for nearly 60 years and is the best defense against this life-threatening childhood disease.” “It’s safe, effective, and available for free at public health institutions,” he explained.



Fever, red eyes, runny nose, and cough are common measles symptoms that arise before the disease’s characteristic maculopapular rash appears.

Difficulties of measles, particularly in children under the age of one year, might include pneumonia, ocular complications, and, in rare cases, encephalitis (inflammation of the brain).

Unvaccinated young children, especially those who are immunocompromised or malnourished, are at the greatest risk of measles and its complications, which include irreparable brain damage and/or death, according to the department.


Keeping the outbreak under control

Citizens have been assured that departmental personnel are investigating and responding to the epidemic in close collaboration with the Gauteng Department of Health, the City of Tshwane, the NICD, and other partners, including the World Health Organization and UNICEF.

Surveillance and vigilance have been intensified across the province as part of the reaction.

The measles vaccination is given to children between six and twelve months of age, according to the South African Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI). These immunizations are accessible at public health clinics for free.

Measles is a notifiable medical condition in terms of the National Health Act, and clinicians have been alerted on the symptoms to look for.

“If the clinical picture fits with measles, they are urged to complete a case investigation form and send samples to the National Health Laboratory Service for testing,” said the department.

Samples should include blood for antibody testing and a throat swab for viral culture, both marked “NICD Measles Laboratory – attention CVI”.

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