R24 medics robbed at gunpoint in Rustenburg

While transferring a critically ill patient on the R510 between Mogwase and Rustenburg last night, two ER24 medics were robbed at gunpoint.

The ER24 medics were busy moving a severely ill patient from a hospital in Rustenburg to his house along the R510 when the patient’s vital signs began to rapidly deteriorate.

The crew pulled the ambulance to the side of the road and began CPR right away in an attempt to resuscitate the patient.

Three armed guys approached the ambulance as the medics were treating the patient, yanked open the door, and robbed the medics of their personal goods as well as the patient’s belongings.

An ER24 advanced life support paramedic who had been dispatched to aid with resuscitation had arrived on the scene and witnessed the robbery in progress. Fortunately, the three armed men ran when they saw the medic approaching.

ER24 personnel continued to conduct CPR and advanced life support procedures on the patient despite the trauma.

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