NATJOINTS appeals for public assistance in obeying laws

Unsigned tweets and posters asking for a National Shut Down have been spreading on various social media sites, according to the NATJOINTS.

The senders of these communications have been admonished and reminded that restricting people’s freedom of movement is illegal. Members of the public are advised not to circulate statements attempting to rally communities in response to the shutdown.

The NATJOINTS is urging all citizens of South Africa to cooperate with law enforcement authorities in upholding and enforcing the law. Any activity taken with the intent to break the law will be dealt with in accordance with the law. The NATJOINTS is appealing for public assistance in this regard.

The Intelligence Coordinating Committee (ICC) briefed the NATJOINTS on the authenticity of the demand for a National Shutdown on Wednesday, June 8, 2022. The situation and the risks it poses are being actively monitored by the intelligence community.

As a result, law enforcement agents have been dispatched and are on high alert in order to prevent and counteract any illegal activity.

The respective PROVJOINTS have been told to make sure that interdisciplinary deployments and contingency plans are in place.

The NATJOINTS guarantees the public that the law will be enforced in accordance with relevant guidelines in order to maintain the country’s stability.

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