Shri Honble Cabinet Minister (Finance), Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman and Honble Chief Minister of Gujarat Shri Bhupendra Rajnikant Patel appreciated the NSIC initiatives while being briefed about NSIC strategic importance for the growth of MSME sector by Shri P. Udayakumar, Director (P&M), NSIC during their visit on 09th June, 2022 to the Exhibition Nation Building and CPSEs at Gandhinagar (Gujarat).
During the deliberations and interactions with various stake holders, DPM emphasized the relevance of NSIC in creating a robust ecosystem for the MSMEs in the country. Mr. P. Udayakumar, Director (P&M) briefing Cabinet Minister (Finance) Smt. Nirmala Seetharaman and Chief Minister Gujarat, Shri Bhupendra Patel on strategic NSIC initiatives for MSME sector growthNSIC has taken strategic initiatives for creating futuristic verticals for MSME sector, Technology and digital adoption for the MSMEs thro aggregation models for the growth of MSMEs so that they can meet the 25% mandatory procurement set for the PSUs.
The Fund of Funds by name SRI fund which is being implemented by NSIC on behalf of the ministry of MSME as growth equity fund will be a game changer for the growth oriented MSMEs and same will be launched formally soon.
Basic Opertations have commenced already.About NSICNational Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), is an ISO 9001-2015 certified Government of India Enterprise under Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME). NSIC has been working to promote, aid and foster the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises in the country.
NSIC operates through countrywide network of offices and Technical Centres in the Country. In addition, NSIC has set up Training cum Incubation Centre managed by professional manpower.NSIC facilitates Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises with a set of specially tailored scheme to enhance their competitiveness. NSIC provides integrated support services under Marketing, Technology, Finance and other Support Services.For more information, please visit