Barrows Hotel Enterprises Starts Offering Sharia Compliant Investments

Barrows (​), the provider of hotel investment and advisory services for hotels in the Middle East and Africa, starts offering Sharia Compliant Investments to its Muslim Boutique Clients.

Shariah-compliant investments are investments governed by the requirements of Shariah Law and the principles of the Islamic religion. Shariah-compliant funds are considered to be a type of socially responsible investing.

Barrows recognizes a fast-growing market within their Muslim clients. According to a report by the Malaysia Islamic International Center, the total global Islamic assets under management were $70.8 billion at the end of the first quarter of 2017. Since then, the global Islamic investments has increased massively.

A part of Sharia Compliant Investments are investments with the exclusions of alcohol and pork products for example. Barrows develops special hotel real estate formulas with the exclusion of these elements and goes further. The board of directors will appoint a department specialized in Sharia Compliance and Audit under the Sharia Law, says Barrows Chairman Erwin Jager.

The Middle East and West Africa are growing strongly. In the coming decades Barrows will develop more Hotel Real estate combined with new infrastructures which generates a high occupancy by new and excisting visitors, jobs and new business opportunities based on the Sharia Compliance.

Barrows Hotel Enterprises internationally manages over 10,000 hotel rooms in more than 10 countries. Barrows is specialized in the fast-growing hotel industry in the entire MENA Region including West Africa.

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