Do you know how to make ice cubes?

When most of us make a zingy G&T or Aperol spritz at home, ice is an afterthought, added last.

Experts advise that spending a little time making excellent cubes is the key to a perfectly chilled glass of your favorite beverage.
The cocktail community’s perfectionists even propose boiling it twice.

Cover the water as it cools to avoid dust contamination. It’s now ready to be poured into molds and frozen. ‘You can acquire circular moulds to create precisely round ice balls if you want to dazzle your guests,’ said Denis Broci, director of bars at Claridge’s, a Mayfair luxury hotel.

Pour water into a large plastic container or a picnic cooler and leave for 48 hours to mimic the huge hand-chiseled ice cubes commonly used in cocktail establishments, according to Mr Broci.

‘Normally, ice freezes from all sides, making it hazy, therefore a cooler is ideal because the ice only freezes from the top down. This means that at least half of the block will be free of obstructions.

‘After that, you form the top half and cut the perfect-size blocks with a knife.’ YouTube has some fantastic tutorials.’

Mr Broci, on the other hand, avoids this time-consuming procedure at home. ‘I usually buy a knife and cut rough, larger blocks to enjoy in a negroni with a great wedge of orange,’ he explained.

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