Kris Faafoi resigns from Parliament. Kiri Allan promoted to Justice Minister, Michael Wood picks up Immigration
Speaker Trevor Mallard to end 35 year parliamentary career in mid-August as he prepares to take up a diplomatic post in Europe. Adrian Rurawhe to be nominated as Speaker Priyanca Radhakrishnan moves into Cabinet and gains Associate Workplace Relations and Safety Kieran McAnulty becomes a Minister outside of Cabinet with a focus on regional issues – picking up Emergency Management and Racing.
Duncan Webb to take over as Chief Whip
Chris Hipkins takes over Police and passes COVID-19 Response to Ayesha Verrall
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has made changes to her Cabinet line-up following the decision of senior Minister Kris Faafoi to resign from Parliament and Speaker Trevor Mallard’s nomination to a European diplomatic posting. The changes will take effect following a ceremony at Government House on the afternoon of Tuesday 14 June.
“These changes are triggered by two departures.
It’s also an opportunity to give newer Ministers greater responsibility and to bring new members onto the team,” Jacinda Ardern said.
“Minister Kris Faafoi has decided to leave Parliament to spend more time with his family as his son starts school.
“Kris made the move onto the list at the last election and I’m grateful for the significant work he undertook this term in resetting our immigration and public broadcasting settings. He goes with the love and thanks of his colleagues for his contribution over many years.
“Trevor Mallard has been an MP for 35 years and has held thirteen different Ministerial portfolios across his career including Education, Labour and Rugby World Cup. He has been Speaker for five years and is currently the Father of the House.
“After the 2020 election Trevor told me he wanted to transition out of the role of Speaker over the course of this term to allow someone else the opportunity and to take on new challenges himself.
He has worked closely with Adrian for that purpose. He will leave the chair in mid-August and take up a post in Europe from early 2023.
“Trevor will be the third of our five most recent Speakers to represent New Zealand abroad in a diplomatic posting.
“Dan Rosewarne and Soraya Peke-Mason will replace Kris and Trevor from the Labour List.
“Priyanca Radhakrishnan moves into Cabinet, retaining all her current portfolios and adds Associate Workplace Relations and Safety with a focus on migrant exploitation.
Since becoming a Minister outside of Cabinet in 2020 she has overseen the establishment of a new Ministry for Ethnic Communities, and worked on complex issues like foreign interference and social cohesion.
“Kieran McAnulty becomes a Minister outside of Cabinet with a specific focus on regional issues. He will be Minister for Emergency Management, and will have an Associate Transport delegation on regional transport, and an Associate Local Government delegation. He will also take on the Racing portfolio and use his past whip skills as Deputy Leader of the House. Duncan Webb replaces Kieran as Chief Whip.
“I have also made the decision to change Poto Williams out of the Police portfolio. We both share the view that at this time it’s critical that our focus is on supporting the Police, implementing our record investment in the frontline, passing our further gun law reforms and developing additional measures to deal with the current escalation in gang tensions and violence.
“She picks up Conservation, and Disability Issues, where there is a significant work programme following the establishment of a new Ministry. Poto has a background in the community sector and was also was a member of the Parliamentary Disability Alliance and will be well suited to this new role.
“I want to thank Carmel Sepuloni for her work to establish the Ministry for Disabled People. Having done a huge amount of mahi she will now take a lead role alongside Minister Robertson on developing the social insurance scheme – a significant piece of work.
“Chris Hipkins takes over as Minister of Police. He has a degree in criminology and a long interest in working in the youth justice space, which dovetails with his education work. Along with the Minister for Social Development and Employment he will co-lead a youth justice ministerial team to focus on the drivers of the spike we have seen in some parts of youth offending recently.
“To free him up for this area of Government focus a significant part of his Education portfolio will move to Jan Tinetti who has played an excellent role as Associate Education where she brings decades of experience as a teacher and school principal.
“Dr Ayesha Verrall has played a critical role in our ongoing COVID-19 management this term. Having moved from the emergency to the ongoing response now is the right time for her to pick up the COVID-19 Response portfolio. She also picks up Research, Science and Innovation.
“I’m promoting Kiri Allan into the Justice portfolio and she also picks up an Associate Finance role. Kiri is a very capable Minister with a big future and this portfolio allocation is a sign of my confidence in her.
“Michael Wood takes on Immigration which fits with his workplace relations portfolio and our focus on skills.
“Meka Whaitiri has been doing an excellent job in Customs. Her primary sector work means the food safety portfolio is a good fit, so she picks up this role. And Willie Jackson picks up broadcasting which he comes to with extensive sector knowledge,” Jacinda Ardern said.