The policy was developed in collaboration with the Nairobi Metropolitan Service (NMS), the National Transport Safety Authority (NTSA), and the Matatu Owners Association (MOA), all of whom are key players in the city’s public transportation system, according to the Political Leadership and Governance Program (PLGP).
The growing incidents of sexual harassment in PSVs, according to Danish Odongo, a member of the organization, prompted the creation of the policy.
The policy, if implemented, will establish behavioral criteria for Saccos, their crews, and partners in order to produce a socially just public transportation system.
“This policy will transform this industry and make it look like that in Europe where no supervision takes place,” he said.
The document also seeks to define the fundamental principles for relations with customers, business partners, regulatory bodies, competitors, and crew of the Sacco.
“Where the employees fail to comply with the provisions of the Code of Conduct, the Sacco may apply disciplinary measures, including dismissal. Each crew member shall receive a copy of this Code of Conduct and shall acknowledge himself/herself with this Code of Conduct by signing it,” partly reads the document.
Boniface Otieno of NMS added that in order to enhance enforcement, they have already issued laws stating that no disruptive touts will be permitted to operate in any of their termini.
Anthony Musumba, the NTSA’s Manager in Charge of Safety, called on all stakeholders to speak with one voice and collaborate in a cooperative manner.
“We have sufficient regulations. What we want now is collaboration to help in doing away with this backward behavior from some of these operators,’ he said.
According to a United Nations survey released earlier this year, 80% of Kenyan women who use matatus face everyday abuse.
According to study, most women are powerless in this position.
Authorities frequently do little or nothing to the culprits for the 7% of those who report their harassment ordeals.
Gender mainstreaming in urban transportation infrastructure and service planning, as well as provisioning, is vital, according to the paper, because women and men have different transportation needs and use patterns.
The findings highlight the need for measures to protect women commuters from continued victimization or harassment by matatu conductors and fellow male passengers.