UN Human Rights Council 50: Rita French delivered a statement on behalf of the UK on Afghanistan

During the Interactive Dialogue on the High Commissioner’s report on Afghanistan, Rita French, the UK’s Human Rights Ambassador, delivered a statement on behalf of the UK.

The statement reads:

“Thank you, Mr President.

High Commissioner, we share your concerns about the serious human rights challenges in Afghanistan, especially for women, girls and minorities.

Women and girls in Afghanistan are facing increasing restrictions on their freedom of movement as well as access to education, jobs and services. This is unacceptable. Afghanistan is the only country in the world where girls are unable to go to secondary school. Educated women and girls who are able to participate fully in society will contribute to economic development, peace and stability. The UK has pledged £286m this year to support humanitarian and basic human needs; women have a vital role in delivering this life-saving aid.

There are credible reports that the amnesty announced by the Taliban in August 2021 for all Afghans is not being respected. Serious allegations of intimidation, disappearances and extrajudicial killings should be transparently investigated.

Terrorist attacks against minority groups, including on schools and places of worship, are unacceptable and we encourage the Taliban to work with the international community on counter-terrorism.

All Afghans deserve to live in safety and dignity.

High Commissioner,

To ensure that the international community is coordinated in our approach to the Taliban, how can the Council best work with the Special Rapporteur and prioritise your recommendations?

Thank you.”

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