UN Human Rights Council 50: Ambassador Simon Manley delivers UK statement on the situation in Mariupol

During the Interactive Dialogue on the High Commissioner’s oral update on the situation in Mariupol, Ambassador Simon Manley, UK Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, delivered the UK statement.

The statement reads:

“Señor presidente

“Hospitals, schools, theatres reduced to rubble. Mass graves, illegal abductions, torture, sexual violence. Women, children, the elderly left sheltering in bunkers. Deprived of food, water and medicine. The brutal reality of Putin’s war.

“A total disregard for human rights, international humanitarian law, and the principles of the Charter.

“These war crimes must be investigated and those responsible held to account.

“Madam High Commissioner, we fully share your concerns on the death penalty sentences imposed against Aiden Aslin, Shaun Pinner and Brahim Saaudun. All Prisoners of War must be treated in accordance with international humanitarian law. Once again, we call on Russia to respect international law.

“The UK has led efforts to refer the situation in Ukraine to the International Criminal Court. We will make every effort to assist that investigation. We will work with international partners, including through the EU-US-UK Atrocity Crimes Advisory Group, to support the Ukrainian Prosecutor General and assist Ukraine’s domestic investigation.

“And we will continue to stand by the Ukrainian people in their hour of need, committing three billion pounds of humanitarian aid, economic assistance and military aid.

“Madam High Commissioner,

“What more can the international community do to support civilians bearing the brunt of Russia’s aggression in Mariupol, and other areas currently under Russia’s control?”

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