Bondi Beach Public School has been chastised for prohibiting students from playing outside before class

After prohibiting young kids from playing outside before class, a prominent Sydney school has been chastised for being too ‘woke.’

Outside play was reportedly forbidden at Bondi Beach Public School earlier this week in an effort to improve kids’ ‘preparedness’ before class.

‘None of the parents I have come across at the school feels no play outdoors before school is a good idea,’ one anonymous parent wrote in response to a message to parents.

Bondi Beach Public School has been accused for creating a 'prison situation' for young students after it banned outdoor play before classesOne parent told the Sydney Morning Herald, “There has been no communication between the school principle about the restrictions or modifications to when children can play in the school playground.”

According to a Department of Education official, the prohibition will help children pay more attention in class.

‘The trial is one of several techniques undertaken by Bondi Beach Public School to enhance positive classroom behavior and learning,’ a spokesman told

A spokesperson for the Department of Education said the ban would help improve students' classroom behaviour

‘Other examples include having two breaks in the day of a similar length where children can engage in active play if they wish.’

However, local parents have remained adamant the play ban is creating a ‘prison situation’ for the students and called into 2GB Radio’s afternoon host Jim Wilson to share their thoughts.

‘The woke brigade is out of control, can we just let kids be kids?,’ Wilson said.

‘They need to spend energy and get physical activity and fresh air, not sitting inside waiting for the bell to go.

Parents have called for the ban to be lifted and accused the Sydney school of being too 'woke'

‘Where’s the Education Minister Sarah Mitchell on this and minister you’ve got to put an end to this madness! For goodness sake, let the kids play.’

‘It’s like a prison situation,’ one upset mother said.

‘All the fun has gone out.’

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