Ted Sanderson collapsed at Woodham Academy in County Durham on Tuesday

A teen who abruptly passed away in class after saying “I love you” to his grandmother has received tributes.

After experiencing a medical emergency on Tuesday at Woodham Academy in County Durham, “Perfect” Ted Sanderson, 14, was taken by ambulance to James Cook University Hospital.

While the teenager was still in school, emergency personnel arrived on the site but were unable to save his life.

The aspiring teacher, who loved music and fishing, has been remembered by family and friends.

He was a beautiful boy, according to Lynn Wilson, his grandma. He was fully informed.

He was extremely entertaining and full of personality.

He was flawless. He cherished every aspect of life. I have no idea how we will manage without him. We’re going to have to work together to get through this.

She stated that he had gone down the drive when she last saw him on Tuesday. I told him I loved him and wished him a happy day before he left, and he responded, “I love you, Nan.”

He was making his hair as big as he could by scrunching it up the way he normally did.

A call from the school informing us that he had collapsed came half an hour later. Although we were unaware of what had occurred, there was no turning around.

His death’s cause is still unknown.

Ted, who shared a home with his grandparents Lynn and Keith as well as his father Eddie, was said to be “enjoying life” and aspired to work as a history or RE teacher.

He simply enjoyed life, said Mrs. Wilson. He took on a lot. He cherished playing airsoft, nerf, and other outdoor activities.

He had a lot of life. He took pride in being a geek.

The principal of Woodham Academy spoke at a memorial service Wednesday, calling Ted a “great young guy.”

He was extroverted, amiable, provocative, eloquent, and to some extent, odd, according to headteacher Andrew Bell.

Staff members have taken great satisfaction in recalling their interactions with Ted, praising his zest for life and his willingness to voice his thoughts while also listening to those of others.

A GoFundMe campaign created in Ted’s honor received more than £4,000 in donations in the first few hours. The funds are anticipated to be used to build a memorial bench at his school and donated in part to the James Cook University Hospital’s pediatric ward.

Ted was quite involved in school activities and had interests in music, painting, English, and religious studies.

Ted and Dr. Lycourinos frequently conversed about their love of rock music, which they both shared.

Similar to Miss Thomas, Ted’s ability to captivate a whole class with his wide knowledge of specialized subjects like the C.I.A., the Troubles in Northern Ireland, and firearms law made Miss Thomas very proud of Ted. He was a fantastic young man, in fact.

The school has designated a space for floral tributes to the teen and is offering support to students who have been affected by his loss.

With plans to erect a bench in his honor at the school, more than £4,000 has been raised in his honor since a Go Fund Me website was created.

James Cook University Hospital’s children’s unit received the additional funds raised.

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