Federal Government of Nigeria Launches A New Job Creation Portal Called NELEX – Register Now

NELEX, A New Job Creation Portal Launched By FG, Is Now Open for Registration

The introduction of an employment and job creation platform for unemployed Nigerians in the nation and abroad is supported, according to the federal government.

REGISTER NOW @ www.nelexnigeria.com

The National Electronic Labor Exchange (NELEX) portal project is an innovative tool for building a database of the nation’s labor force and supporting the labor exchange operations of the Ministry.

Despite being around for a while, this portal hasn’t been able to grow. However, money is currently given out in accordance with a bilateral multilateral arrangement. As a result, they are modernizing and revamping the infrastructure.

On the NELEX website, you can find qualified candidates. Both working and unemployed individuals who are actively seeking employment are represented in our database.

To attain the optimal mix of job seekers and fill openings, employers and licensed private employment agencies are permitted to take advantage of the abundance of human capital resources.

By providing real-time information on employment rates, NELEX fosters a competitive environment for effective employment across the nation and supports the federal government’s economic initiatives.

NELEX offers trustworthy resources for international labor migration procedures, including a database of employed individuals.

The Ministry of Labor and Productivity has access to NELEX as a platform for updating business prospects and job development initiatives.

NELEX offers guidance on skills-on-demand that satisfies companies’ demands and skill requirements.

According to the Minister of Labor and Productivity, the platform was not developed over time and could not withstand the stress of wanting to join, emphasizing that the usage of digital platforms had to be done by companies and job searchers.

He said: “Employers will come and fill the vacancies they have, the skills they have, the qualifications of the people who can adapt them.

Jobseekers will then register, graduate or not graduate, earn a qualification, identify their skills and capabilities, and the two groups will be matched. Through that site, job seekers and employers can chat.

Now, both employers and job seekers can register on the platform at https://www.nelexnigeria.com.