UKHSA urges those concerned that they may have monkeypox not go to events, meet with friends or have sexual contact

The second technical briefing on the ongoing monkeypox outbreak has been released by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). Researchers in public health and academic partners are given access to UKHSA analysis during the briefing.

To comprehend how the outbreak is evolving and to guide prompt and efficient public health measures, the most recent epidemiological data, findings from patient interviews, and preliminary analysis are included.

Investigations and modeling continue to indicate that the outbreak is spreading and that cases are still mostly found in interconnected sexual networks of homosexual, bisexual, or men who have sex with men (GBMSM).

In order to increase public knowledge of the symptoms and signs of monkeypox, UKHSA continues to collaborate with partners like the Terrence Higgins Trust, Stonewall, and the GBMSM community.

During Pride month, the LGBT Consortium and Pride coordinators across the UK have been urged to assist in disseminating public health messages.

99 percent of all confirmed cases in England are male, with 5 confirmed female cases, and 79 percent of all cases in England are known to be residents of London. In the UK, the median age of confirmed cases was 37.

321 (39.5%) of the 813 cases discovered in England up until June 22 had upgraded surveillance questionnaires. Further evidence suggests that transmission occurs in some sexual networks both domestically and internationally. The majority of cases (96%) were GBMSM.

The majority of cases (54.2%) and those who had 10 or more sexual partners in the previous three months often disclosed a history of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the previous year (31.8 percent).

To determine who is most at risk and qualifies for pre-exposure vaccination, existing links between cases and sexual health services will be examined.

Dr Meera Chand, Director of Clinical and Emerging Infections, UKHSA said:

“If you’ve recently had new or multiple sexual partners, please be vigilant to the symptoms of monkeypox. Currently the majority of cases have been in men who are gay, bisexual or have sex with men. However, anyone who has had close contact with an individual with symptoms is also at increased risk.

“If you are concerned that you may have monkeypox, don’t go to events, meet with friends or have sexual contact. Instead, stay at home and contact 111 or your local sexual health service for advice. Please contact the clinic ahead of your visit and avoid close contact with others until you’ve been reviewed by a clinician.

“To assist with our contact tracing, we encourage everyone to ensure they exchange contact details with sexual partners, to help us  limit further transmission where cases occur.

“We are grateful to all those who have come forward for testing and who help us understand the outbreak through participating in studies and investigations.”

As the outbreak response continues, the UKHSA will continue to publish regular technical briefings.

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