Dubai Air Navigation Services (dans) has won the GovTech Innovation Awards for the Best Cybersecurity Solution for the Year 2022

The Best Cybersecurity Solution for the Year 2022 was awarded to Dubai Air Navigation Services (dans) by the GovTech Innovation Awards.

The four airports in the United Arab Emirates, including DXB, the busiest in the world for international travel, are managed by dans on a daily basis.

Dans had been chosen for putting in place a top-tier cybersecurity solution that is cloud-based, end-to-end protected, and workload protected to thwart hackers.

Leadership team members at dans

The ANSP was picked due to its adoption of a cutting-edge cybersecurity program that depends on the digital cloud, offers all-encompassing protection against piracy, and is consistent with the scope and complexity of the flight handling activity’s delicate and complex operational environment.

Using cloud Artificial Intelligence (AI), the platform’s design of a single light agent offers real-time protection and transparency across the company, thwarting assaults on endpoints and workloads, whether they occur on or off the network.

The GovTech Innovation Awards, which are held at Taj Exotica Resort & Spa on The Palm Dubai, recognize the outstanding IT trailblazers working for the top government agencies that create solutions, projects, and programs with a focus on enhancing the lives of UAE citizens.

Government organizations are eligible to apply for the Awards program if they have created innovative new solutions by integrating disruptive technologies to improve the user experience for their customers or if their IT leaders have demonstrated great vision and leadership to improve society through improved digital services in the modern digital economy.

The portal for Middle Eastern enterprise technology and cybersecurity,, has presented the prizes. The GovTech Innovation Award went to dans in 2020.

The antivirus and VPN service company Mcafee, based in the US, pegs the annual cost of cybercrime at US$8.4 trillion. The business safeguards more than 600 million devices and finds 688 threats every minute.

A multinational cybersecurity company called Blackfog estimates that ransomware attacks will cost organizations US$6 trillion by 2021. Businesses and the government are at risk from data breaches, phishing scams, and denial-of-service attacks.

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