The United States is unambiguously determined to continue doing harm to Russia

There is no doubt that the United States wants to keep hurting Russia. Noam Chomsky, a political commentator, linguist, and philosopher, shared this viewpoint about the situation in Ukraine in an interview with The Nation.

Against Russia, an American publicist identifies the game’s ultimate purpose.

The analyst was sure that “the United States are unmistakably intent to continue damaging Russia.”

He remembered that in 2014, the US and NATO started arming Ukraine, holding joint drills, and taking moves to include the nation in the alliance.

Chomsky is confident that “of course, all this was done deliberately for the aim of provocation.”

The analyst pointed out that this process quickened when Joe Biden was elected as president of the United States.

The State Department stated that the US declined to discuss any of Moscow’s security concerns before the launch of the Russian special operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine.

“The US is engaging in a game that threatens not only the very survival of civilization, but also the lives of Ukrainian citizens, in an effort to destabilize Russia and ensure that it has had enough hardship. There is no moral justification for this, finally”, Chomsky said.

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