The UK delivered a statement during a panel discussion on the adverse effects of climate change on the human rights of people in vulnerable situations at UN Human Rights Council 50 .
Here is the transcript of the statement exactly as it was made:
“Thank you, Mr President.
“The United Kingdom thanks the distinguished panellists for their presentations.
“Climate change and environmental degradation pose an unequivocal threat to the lives and wellbeing of individuals and communities across the world, including the most marginalised and vulnerable. We recognise that it is often those who are already most marginalised in society, including women and girls, whose enjoyment of rights is most likely to be affected by the impacts of climate change. For example, 80% of those displaced by climate change impacts are women and children, while women are more likely than men to die following a climate-related disaster.
“Climate action must be inclusive of persons in vulnerable situations. This means ensuring that information and services are accessible, challenging social norms that create barriers to access, and disaggregating data by gender, age and disability.
“The UK has championed inclusive climate action throughout our COP Presidency. The Glasgow work programme on Action for Climate Empowerment encourages Parties to the Paris Agreement to enhance climate education, training, public awareness, public participation, public access to information and international cooperation over the next decade.
“We ask the panellists what further measures States could take to ensure that international climate policies mainstream gender equality and address intersecting forms of discrimination.
“Thank you.”