The Public Servants Association of South Africa will on Sunday donate aid to flood affected residents in Inanda in Durban as part of Worker’s Day efforts.
The area was among the hardest hit during the floods earlier this month.
Public Servants Association of South Africa manager in KwaZulu-Natal, Lungisi Ndlovu: “We decided to choose Inanda because its the most affected area secondly its one of the poorest, most of the people that were washed out by these floods are the unemployed, young and old it is for these reasons we’re going to distribute food parcels and other donated items by all our provincial offices for more than 50 people. Tomorrow we will be going to Umlazi.”
Gift of the Givers gives update on relief efforts in KwaZulu-Natal: Dr Imtiaz Sooliman
Ndlovu is appealing to government and the private sector to speed up the delivery of housing for the thousands who have been displaced.
“And also remind government and other stakeholders to say let’s not only bring about food for the day; let’s be able to provide enough shelter, dignified shelter because most of these people are families. This is really dividing families. We call upon the government to act in terms of speeding up rebuilding these particular communities and government cannot do (it) alone. We call upon the private sector.”