The NHS will ask patients to turn their bedrooms into hospital wards in an effort to free up hospital beds and fight waiting lists.
They will receive wearable technology and mobile phones that will enable doctors to check on them virtually on “virtual wards.”
By March 2024, a significant increase in capacity under the “hospital at home” program might allow for the treatment of up to 25,000 patients at once.
Additionally, it might make it possible for patients to leave the hospital earlier or prevent them from needing an admission in the first place.
The program is a part of the government’s today-released Plan for Digital Health and Social Care.
In an effort to save billions of dollars over the next ten years, it outlines officials’ aspirations to significantly increase the use of technology within the NHS.
The usage of remote monitoring is being proposed to be increased, the NHS App is being improved, and digital health and social care records are being used in hospitals and nursing homes.
The government will enhance training in these fields for both new hires and current employees while also adding 10,500 new posts in data and technology.
After NHS England chief executive Amanda Pritchard acknowledged that too many beds had been lost, the usage of “virtual wards” has increased. Since 2010–2011, almost 25,000 staffed beds have been lost, leaving the country with fewer beds per person than comparable nations.
The NHS ConfedExpo conference this month heard from Mrs. Pritchard, who stated: “We have passed the threshold at which that efficiency actually becomes inefficient.”
Longer wait times for regular procedures and in A&E have been caused by a bed scarcity as well as delays in releasing medically fit people into social care.
A record 6.5 million people are on NHS waiting lists, and this figure has increased significantly in recent months as a result of the pandemic’s disruption.
Over the previous year, more than 280,000 people had illnesses like asthma remotely monitored at home and in nursing homes, freeing up hospital beds and clinicians’ time.
According to the Department of Health and Social Care, this has led to better patient outcomes, faster identification of problems, shorter hospital stays, and fewer admissions. By March of next year, an additional 500,000 people might be helped in this way, according to the idea.
By September 2024, patients will also be able to perform their pre-assessment checks from home.
Patients will be able to schedule hospital appointments, change them, and connect with their GP offices using next versions of the NHS App.
Additionally, it will be utilized for remote consultations and provide wider access to medical records. It has already received more than 28 million downloads.
Sajid Javid, secretary of health and social services, stated: “We are launching a dramatic modernization drive to ensure the NHS is prepared to handle the challenges of 2048, not 1948, when it was first formed.
“This plan expands on our data strategy to revolutionize digital health and care, allowing individuals to manage hospital appointments from the NHS App and take a more active role in their own care at home, identifying issues early and seeking assistance earlier,” said the plan’s creator.
‘Ensuring more personalisation and better joining up of the system will benefit patients, free up clinician time, and help us to bust the Covid backlogs.’
Dr Timothy Ferris, director of transformation at NHS England, said: ‘By harnessing the power of digital and data we can improve both how people access services and the way we provide care.
“Today’s plan for digital health and care lays out an ambitious vision for a future where the NHS puts more power and information at the fingertips of patients and staff, and employees have the tools they need to offer better and more joined-up services,” according to the plan.