Wanda Sykes, an actress and comedian, blasted the Supreme Court judges for overturning the important legal decision Roe v. Wade and declared that the US is “no longer a democracy.”
When each of the conservative Supreme Court nominees suggested during their confirmation hearings that Roe v. Wade is established precedent, Sykes, 58, said that they were “lying” under oath.
She also criticized Americans from the “middle states” for allegedly dictating how to run the blue states because “the majority of people live in New York and California.”
The 1973 landmark decision that gave federal abortion protections under the Constitution was overturned by the Supreme Court on Friday, upending nearly 50 years’ worth of precedent and significantly altering the landscape of women’s healthcare.
Nine GOP-led legislatures have already passed restrictions on the medical practice since the issue was returned to state control as of Sunday, and at least another dozen may soon do the same.
The decision is expected to result in abortion restrictions in around half of the states.
In response to the decision, Sykes stated on CBS’s “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” on Monday night: “I’m a black gay lady with a daughter so I’m not doing so well right now.
” I’m a bit irritated. Right now, I’m a little irritable.
She continued, “Man, it really stinks, you know.
It’s similar to how the nation is no longer a democracy, isn’t it?
The majority no longer has the last say.
No, most definitely not in the Senate and most definitely not in the Supreme Court representatives, Colbert agreed.
Sykes accused the conservative Supreme Court justices of “lying” at their confirmation hearings when they cast their vote to overturn Roe v. Wade.
You know how these justices essentially lied during their confirmation hearings? said Sykes.
Yes, particularly Kavanaugh, Colbert retorted.
So how can you be a justice of the Supreme Court and just lie? Sykes queried.
You mean they crossed their fingers or something? Yes, that is all just horseshit. It truly is.
Their remarks follow criticism of Supreme Court Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch for their votes to overturn Roe v. Wade from U.S. Senators Joe Manchin and Susan Collins on Friday.
The senators said at the time that they trusted Kavanaugh and Gorsuch to respect the law when they voted to confirm the justices selected by Donald Trump despite concerns that they would overturn the important abortion ruling.
Now that the court’s 5-4 decision to terminate women’s legal right to an abortion has been assailed, Republicans Collins and Democrats Manchin are accusing the justices of misled them.
Collins said in a statement that “this decision is inconsistent with what Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh said in their testimony and in our conversations, when they both were insistent on the significance of preserving long-standing traditions that the nation has relied upon.”
“I trusted Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh when they stated under oath that they likewise believed Roe v. Wade was solid legal precedent, and I am horrified they chose to reject the stability the ruling has offered for two generations of Americans,” Manchin said, echoing the indignation.
Sykes also criticized the so-called “middle States” for ostensibly directing the blue states what to do.
“To me, it seems like the intermediate stuff is the problem,” she remarked.
That crimson substance, those midway phases, is what it is.
Why do they have the right to direct our actions when the bulk of us reside outside of New York and California and pay for all of this garbage, in reality?
I guess, yeah. We’re paying for it,’ Sykes declared.
The union, Colbert said, “is meant to be a representative democracy, but right now it turns out to be minority tyranny.”
California would have the fourth- or fifth-largest GDP if it were a nation, according to Sykes.
So, if I fit the bill, you should be aware of your situation. Are you getting what I’m saying? The cartoon kept going.
If I suggest going out to dinner, you are not allowed to choose the venue. Just be quiet and eat,’ Sykes yelled.
On social media, her remarks drew some backlash, with several users accusing her of “not seeing Midwesterners as Americans.”
As a resident of one of the “middle red states” and a citizen of the United States, Lesa Peroutek tweeted: “I was interested to hear from Wanda Sykes that ALL of us who live here, just need to quiet up.
The only states with the “right” to speak out are New York and California because they are “paying” the costs.
The elitists want the Midwest to raise its own food and keep quiet, according to radio personality Tony Katz.
Wanda Sykes does not view Americans from the Midwest as being human beings.
She views people as “material,” similar to her possessions.
Hey Wanda Sykes, you know all those “Red states in the center” that you wonder why they get a voice? Another Twitter user asked.
They supply us with food.
Try purchasing your meat, dairy products, cheese, and vegetables from the several farms in NYC and LA.
You Hollywood types don’t know anything. Just keep it quiet.
Pro- and anti-abortion protesters have been stationed outside the Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C. since the Supreme Court decision on Friday.
When Roe v. Wade was overturned, 13 states had so-called “trigger laws” that instantly outlawed abortion.