Ambassador Simon Manley delivers a statement on behalf of the UK during the Interactive Dialogue with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Thank you for your report, High Commissioner. In Venezuela, your office and the fact-finding mission continue to conduct important work. Let me ask our fellow Council members to support the extension of both mandates.

We are still concerned about Venezuela’s ongoing limits on public space. Journalists, activists, and human rights defenders are persecuted.

Threats from the government, harassment, and administrative and statutory limitations are all faced by civil society.

The proposed law on international cooperation, which would give authorities more control over its finances and operations, has sparked serious concerns from it.

Allow me to call Venezuela to demand that it uphold its constitutional rights to freedom of assembly, freedom of association, and freedom of expression.

[Translation: Let me urge Venezuela to uphold the Constitution’s guarantees of the rights to freedom of association and expression.]

Sadly, modest economic progress has not resulted in better living conditions for the majority of Venezuelans. The humanitarian situation continues to be critical. We implore Venezuela to permit the unrestricted delivery of humanitarian aid to people in need.

Distinguished Counsel,

What suggestions would you provide to your successor to guarantee that the Memorandum of Understanding between your Office and Venezuela is properly carried out?

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