A staff member claims that the mass killer who massacred seven people at a July 4 parade in Chicago’sized up’ a synagogue just four streets away earlier this year.
Robert Crimo, 21, visited the place of worship in April of this year during Passover celebrations, according to Martin Blumenthal, the Central Avenue Synagogue’s volunteer security director in Chicago’s Highland Park.
According to Blumenthal, “He was obviously assessing the synagogue.”
Crimo was dressed in all-black, including his helmet, gloves, and clothing. Blumenthal claims that the weird young man’s presence made him uneasy enough to squeeze the bag he was carrying and examine it for weapons.
He claimed to be Bobby and to reside in the area, Blumenthal continued. I kept an eye on him the entire time.
Crimo eventually remained at the synagogue for almost 45 minutes before quietly departing. Because Crimo had not legally broken any laws, according to Blumenthal, he decided not to report the event.
Four blocks separate Gearheads, the sporting goods retailer from whose roof Crimo is thought to have fired the fatal rounds, and the Central Avenue Synagogue.
Police have not yet disclosed a potential motivation for the mass killing, despite the fact that Highland Park is home to a sizable Jewish population and that three of the shooting victims were Jews.
Police believe there is still no evidence that the killings were carried out because of prejudice against a minority group.
Crimo was taken into custody on Monday night and charged on Tuesday with seven counts of first-degree murder.
According to Blumenthal, Crimo was dressed “in the goth way” and had on black gloves.
Blumenthal said that he looked inside the man’s backpack for any concealed weapons.
According to Blumenthal, “He stated his name was Bobby and he lived in the area.”
I kept an eye on him the entire time.
Crimo remained within the structure for almost 45 minutes before departing on a bicycle, according to Blumenthal.
Crimo did not do anything, according to Blumenthal, to merit calling the police, but he did stand out.
I researched him. I was aware of his plans, Blumenthal stated. But he didn’t disrupt anything at all. I was simply observing him.
The synagogue, which is four blocks from where Crimo started shooting, is located along the parade route on Central Avenue and has armed guards and numerous armed worshipers.
So far, it is known that three of the seven victims of the massacre were Jews.
At the Reform synagogue in nearby Glencoe, North Shore Congregation Israel, Jacki Sundheim, 63, oversaw activities and formerly taught preschool.
Jewish victims Stephen Straus, 88, and Catherine Goldstein, 64, have also been identified.
Tuesday’s press conference by Lake County State’s Attorney Eric Rinehart included the announcement of the seven murder charges brought against Crimo.
The maximum sentence for each offence is life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Crimo may be charged with over a dozen additional offenses, such as assault and attempted murder, according to Rinehart.
These are just the first of many charges, he said.
Rinehart refrained from making any assumptions about the shooting’s motivation during the press conference.
The lawyer did advocate for a nationwide prohibition on assault weapons and praised red flag measures.
Prosecutors will request that Crimo be held without bail when he makes his initial appearance in court via Zoom on July 6, the official added.
Thomas Durkin, a well-known defense lawyer, is defending the suspect.
The suspect’s family first contacted Durkin, according to DailyMail.com, on the day of the shooting, and they later hired him.
He continued by saying that, aside from what was already known in the public, he knew nothing else about the shooting.
Police initially claimed that they were unaware of Crimo, but on Tuesday they admitted that they had twice questioned him in 2019.
The first occurred in April 2019, a week after he made a suicide threat. Second, he vowed to “murder everyone” in his family in September of this year.
He was not detained, but police did find 16 knives, a dagger, and a sword at his residence.
Instead, he was able to obtain two assault rifles and three other sorts of firearms in Illinois after turning 21.
Why the two earlier occurrences weren’t noted when he legally bought the firearms is still a mystery.
At a news conference on Tuesday in the afternoon, Chris Covelli of the Lake County Sheriff’s Office revealed the earlier events.
In the event from April 2019, “a person informed Highland Park department a week after learning of him making an attempt on his life.” A delayed report was given.
They arrived at the house, spoke with the boy and his parents, and managed the situation with the help of a mental health professional. There was nothing that required law enforcement intervention.
In September 2019, a family member recalled that he had a collection of knives and had declared his intention to “murder everyone.” In response, they raided his house and removed 16 knives and a dagger.
No complaints were made by the victims, and there was no probable reason to make the arrest. The Illinois State Police were informed.
Six of the seven victims of the shooting have been identified.
Steve Straus, age 88; Katherine Baldstein, age 64; Jacki Sondheim, age 63; Nicholas Toledo Zaragoza, age 78; and Irina and Kevin McCarthy, ages 35 and 37, who are a married couple.
The McCarthys’ two-year-old son Aiden was discovered walking alone after the incident and is left behind.
After the incident on Monday, Crimo pretended to be one of the victims as he ran away and rushed to his mother’s house among the terrified parade attendees.
She may not have been aware that he was the shooter when he requested for her car, according to the police.
He received it from her, and he then ran away.
It happens as concerns about the shooter’s intentions, way of life, and fascination with the number 47 start to surface.
The number 47 is painted on a car’s side and was inked on Crimo’s cheek.
Following an FBI raid on his residence on Tuesday, the car was abandoned in the front yard.
Crimo reportedly reposted scary rap songs that glorified school shootings on his social media pages, where he also displayed the number.
His uncle Paul Crimo has recently recalled how he was acting normally on Sunday night.
Even though he glorified school massacres in YouTube rap songs, he insists that he displayed “no symptoms of violence.”
“I’m devastated. I’m in such heartbreak. I didn’t notice anything that would have caused him to act in this way. A calm child, he. Typically, he lives alone. He’s a quiet, lonely man. He told CNN that he keeps everything to himself.
Paul Crimo stated in the same interview that his nephew resided in a compact apartment behind Bob Crimo Jr.’s home on Pleasant Avenue in Highwood.
He added that the night before the incident, he was using his computer while seated in a recliner at home. “Everything was as normal,” he stated.
We are nice people here, and it is awful to have this. I feel such deep sorrow for the families of the deceased.
I didn’t see any indications of concern, Paul Crimo stated in a separate interview with Fox32. And I would have spoken out if I had noticed any indicators.
“I’m utterly heartbroken and will remain so for the rest of my life,” the speaker said.
The attack has not yet been addressed by Crimo’s parents. Nancy Rotering was his opponent in his father Bob Srlost .’s mayoral campaign.
Rotering stated that Crimo obtained his handgun “legally” on Tuesday morning. She claimed that he was a typical “small boy” and that she had taught him while he was a cub scout. Police have not officially confirmed the sort of weapon he used, but videos and eyewitness accounts imply it was a powerful rifle.
It’s one of those instances where you have to step back and wonder, “What just happened?”
How can someone get so enraged and cruel that they decided to take it out on helpless individuals who were merely enjoying a family day out?
She remarked, “He was just a young guy.”