Heather Kovar, a news anchor for CBS6, was fired after she appeared unattended on air and started babbling throughout the show.
Kovar, the weekend morning anchor for WRGB CBS-6 News, began to slur her sentences throughout Saturday’s program and was almost completely incomprehensible.
Moving forward tonight, she said, “we have to let you know also, you know, like other news that’s happening in the region, and across the area, across the country.”
During the unusual broadcast, Kovar stated, “These places are reaching such areas,” appearing agitated and deviating from the subject of the US heatwave.
‘Like, I was telling you this morning, if you watched us this morning starting at 6am, 7 am, I told you, you know what? Today, what a beautiful day outside! It is just amazing. And so, a great time for outdoor music.’
Viewers expressing concern over train wreck of local evening newscast out of Albany. Anchor Heather Kovar appeared disheveled, misspoke, and slurred her words for the entire newscast. Here, she tries to set up the weather and toss to the meteorologist, who’s name she gets wrong. pic.twitter.com/70jwwvykKt
— Mike Sington (@MikeSington) July 10, 2022
She also referred to her meteorologist colleague Craig Gold as Craig Adams.
‘Anchor Heather Kovar appeared disheveled, misspoke, and slurred her words for the entire newscast,’ said Mike Sington Senior Executive at NBCUniversal. ‘Here, she tries to set up the weather and toss to the meteorologist, who’s name she gets wrong.’
‘Is Heather Kovar alright? She seems out of sorts on the air right now?’ said Twitter user Mike Garavelli.
‘I hope Heather is ok on news channel 6 But she shouldn’t be on TV she looks a wreck and she is slurring,’ said Twitter user Eve G.
‘#heatherkovar may be having a medical issue??’ said another viewer.
Kovar, who has been an anchor for the network since July 2016, said exhaustion caused the erratic on-air performance.