A 14-year-old girl who is thought to have been abducted from Durban Central was found today in Waterloo, KZN (Monday).
Residents of Waterloo’s Lily Road contacted Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) at 12:42 to ask for aid after spotting the woman wandering around aimlessly. The caller told the on-duty controller that the adolescent had told them that she had been kidnapped and left off in the vicinity by two males.
Reaction Officers travelled to the specified place and spoke with the female there when they arrived. She said that she was spending the summer vacation with family in the Eastern Cape. She took a bus yesterday (Sunday) and arrived at Durban Central at 19:00 to get home to Inanda, KZN. When she was accosted by two males, she was her route to a KFC to buy dinner before taking a cab home.
One of the criminals pulled out a gun and demanded her phone and money. When they checked the teen’s handbag and discovered her smartphone, she allegedly told them that she had nothing of value on her. She continued by saying that she lied, which angered the suspects.
They put her and her suitcase in the boot of a red VW Polo and drove around all night. She apparently received a drop-off this morning early in Waterloo. The child said that she planned on leaving the region on her own when asked why she didn’t ask for help from locals.
The Verulam SAPS was given custody of the grade 8 student so they could conduct more research.