8 Myths to Know About Personal Injury Law

Are you a victim of a personal injury case and facing a lot of difficulties and problems in recovering your losses from the accident? According to Tort Law, personal injuries can be of several types like car accidents, slip and falls, animal attacks, and a lot more.

Claiming damages for your personal injury can be done without a lawyer or any legal representative. However, according to a league of Washington personal injury attorneys, it isn’t a very bright idea to do so.

Personal injury lawyers guide you through court trials and hearings. They will also be useful if you do not know how to process legal documents. Personal injury attorneys perform their best to find you justice. All you need is to contact them soon after the accident happens.

However, it isn’t always as easy as it sounds and some people are not convinced enough in getting one. Do you know why? This is because of the most common myths that are rendered around the media about the personal injury lawsuit. Let’s vanish all the myths today. 

Personal Injury Lawsuit: Let’s Debunk Myths

Personal Injury Cases Take Too Long to Get Solved

The first myth about filing a personal injury lawsuit is it takes forever to get solved. People often think that these cases are drawn-out cases from the court. As a result, they often don’t file a personal injury lawsuit against the negligent party. 

It is true to some extent. But most cases of personal injury do not even enter the trial phase. These cases usually got through settlements outside the court. So don’t hesitate to file your case. You just need to hire one of the best Washington accident attorneys to get satisfactory results. 

You Cannot Hire a Lawyer for Minute Injuries

You cannot hire a lawyer if you have very minor injuries in an accident. This is the second myth that leaves people with not hiring an attorney for their personal injury cases. This is not true. Your injuries are minute does not mean that you cannot get medical expenses. 

Whether it is a car accident or any other type of personal injury case, you can always hire a lawyer even for your minute injuries. However, these types of cases are most important to handle. 

Most of the insurance companies offer very little amount as compensation after seeing your minute injuries. This amount is often insufficient to even get basic medical treatment. Hence, in order to get the best compensation for your losses, you must hire an attorney.

You’ll Spend All Your Compensation in Lawyer’s Fees

Another myth about personal injury cases is losing all the compensation amount in lawyer’s fees. This is a great false. Personal injury lawyers work on the basis of contingent fees. This means that you won’t have to pay from your own pocket. 

The personal injury lawyer will consult your case free of cost. And after getting the case into court, he will only get fees if he is able to win the case. In case of losing the case, he won’t get a single penny out of your pocket. 

Moreover, their fees depend on the percentage of the amount you are getting as compensation. This percentage varies from state to state. But in Washington, it is about 33% of the compensation amount. 

This will also help lawyers to work in the best possible way for not only the client’s benefit. But also for their own benefit.

You Can Always Solve a Personal Injury Lawsuit Without a Lawyer

This is true legally. But it is not effective to do. People often think that hiring a personal injury lawyer means paying them a high amount out of their own pocket. But the truth is, you cannot win on your own without knowing all the legal facts and figures. 

It is always recommended to hire a personal injury lawyer if you are going to file a lawsuit. They know much better how to mold the case in your favor. They will also negotiate with the insurance companies and can manage to have a sufficient settlement amount. 

So it is vital to hire a personal injury attorney instead of filing the case on your own. Moreover, it is possible sometimes to solve or settle a case without hiring a personal injury attorney. But again, there are very low chances of your success. 

All Lawyers Can Handle a Personal Injury Case

Another myth about personal injury cases is any lawyer can handle a personal injury case. This is not true. Anyone with the knowledge of the law is not necessarily can handle all types of cases. 

There are different lawyers for different cases. Even in a personal injury case, there are different lawyers for all types of personal injury cases. And this is important as they have vast knowledge and experience in a particular field. This knowledge and experience can lead you towards the success of your case. 

So always try to hire an attorney that is specialized in your type of case. 

A Defender Can Become Bankrupt

Some people have the myth in their minds that a defender can become bankrupt by paying you a settlement amount. This is not true. People often don’t file a lawsuit against their defenders thinking about they have to pay the amount from their own pockets. And this will result in destroying their business and making their lives miserable. 

But this is not true in actuality. The defender does not have to pay on their own when it comes to the settlement amount. Their insurance company will pay behalf of them. So you do not need to worry about their pockets and file a lawsuit now. 

Insurance Can Cover Everything

Another myth is that people having insurance do not need to claim a personal injury lawsuit.  This is not true. Even after having insurance you need to hire an attorney. The lawyer will help you in maximizing the settlement amount for all your expenses. 

Often insurance companies will try to find proof against you. It can also result in insufficient settlement amounts as insurance companies want to minimize their loss. In this case, a personal injury lawyer can help you in the best possible way. 

I Can Claim a Personal Injury Lawsuit Anytime

The next myth is that you can claim a personal injury lawsuit regardless of time. This is not true. In every state, there are statutes of limitations that limit the claiming time of a lawsuit. 

The time limit often varies from state to state and also depends on the type of case you are having. On average the time limit in Washington is about two years from the date of the accident. 

Take Away

There are lot more myths about personal injury cases. But all you need is to hire an attorney and file a lawsuit against the negligent party. In this way, you will get fair justice and compensation for all your losses and expenses. 

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