The best thing to use when baking for friends and family or throwing a party is some good ol’ crumbly coconut slices. Any dessert that includes coconut is a superb addition, and these are no exception. When jam is added, the sweetness is increased, and homemade jam tastes even better. They go great with a cup of tea or coffee with your closest friends.
Crumbly coconut slices tips
The dough is simple to prepare and comes out golden and crumbly. To ensure that the jam stays in one location, it shouldn’t be overly runny. To finish, top with a little coconut. They are one of the most delicious treats you will ever create since they are sweet and flaky. In order to prevent them from crumbling and falling apart before being served, be sure to slice them while they are still warm.
Coconut is virtually always present in sweet snacks and sweets if you enjoy baking with it. Our crumbly coconut squares are a wonderful treat.