Alisha Sutton, a bus driver in Lawton Oklahoma, dramatically hits a deer on the road

When a deer burst through the bus’ front window in Lawton, Oklahoma, the bus driver had the most terrifying moment of her life.

According to Lawton city officials, Alisha Sutton, a bus driver with only 10 months of experience, struck the animal in June.

The amazing moment the doe crashed through the window and somehow stood inside the bus unharmed was caught on camera by surveillance footage from Lawton Area Transit System, which was made public on Tuesday.

According to Sutton, “I was like, I guess I have slow this bus down.”

She said, “I slowed it down and came it to a stop right there in the road.”

“I was worried that it would try to flee by running to the back of the bus and getting wounded,’ the author said.

Fortunately, Sutton was also unharmed, and the driver and deer were able to escape the collision unscathed.

The bus’s driver’s seat is divided from the rest of the vehicle by a plexiglass door, according to Sutton.

The deer might have crashed through into the driver’s seat if it had leaped any earlier.

Sutton claimed that shortly after the collision, she called her dispatcher and said, “Ma’am, a deer just jumped through my window.”

It got stuck on the bus; it was on the passenger side, she said. It jumped out as I opened the door, I said.

Sutton claimed that her prior driving experience had helped her respond appropriately to the deer darting across the road.

I’ve gone through a lot of training and safety-related things throughout my life, Sutton admitted.

The most important thing, according to the driver, was to slow the bus down, maintain it stable, avoid breaking or swerving, and stop it as safely as you can.

The Lawton Area Transit System’s general manager, Ryan Sanders, praised Sutton and expressed his happiness with how the driver handled the incident.

Sanders remarked, “She was really cool, quiet, and composed.”

She didn’t panic, he claimed, and she followed all the proper procedures on both the safety and, oddly, the customer service sides of the situation.

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