Audiences of Skeem Saam abhor Khwezi, played by Samukele Mkhize, for threatening to murder Pretty in order to earn the affection of her baby daddy Lehasa.
Additionally, viewers desire her pregnant child dead in order for her to end her connection with Lehasa.
Skeem Saam viewers despise Khwezi and her unborn child since they appear to be the only things standing in the way of Lehasa and Pretty’s romance.
Fans despise her for being deadly, having paid hitmen to permanently remove Pretty (Lerato Marabe), and for attempting to murder Lehasa after discovering his infidelity.
In season eleven, the actress Samukele Mkhize, who portrays the evil Khwezi, was also given a promotion to the main cast, which enrages people even more because it suggests that the character won’t be leaving the instructional soap opera anytime soon.
She is also erratic, psychologically unstable, and fascinated with Lehasa (Cedric Fourie), who has lost interest in her despite the fact that she is carrying his first child.
Team #PreHasa is worried their fan-favourite couple might not make it with her around.
#SkeemSaam is hoping that Khwezi will find out the baby is gone when she and Lehasa visit the doctor tonight, 29 July.
“That poor unborn baby hears lots of scaring things, won’t b surprised if their visit to a Dr brings out some bad news.”
“I think they are going to say false alarm, you are not pregnant after all.”
“Skeem Saam better not drag this love triangle we as PreHasa fans want to see our favorite couple happily ever after. We are rooting for the perfect wedding you Cinderella fairytale osomblief!”
“Khwezi is high on hormones hle 10 weeks and the baby is already kicking.”
“Weitsi, and you only actually feel the kicks from around 20-something weeks. At ten weeks the baby is not even the size of lemon yet.”