Real Housewives of Cape Town (RHOCT), a new reality TV programme on Mzansi Magic, has just recently premiered, but there is already a questionable rumour about one of the cast members, Kutazwa “Rooksy” Gqirana.
The reality TV actress is allegedly accused of being behind on her rent by R158 000, and her landlady, Dr. Rethabile Possa-Mogoera, is sick of pursuing her. Rooksy, though, is screaming defamation.
As she only paid for the first two months, it is claimed that Rooksy had not paid her rent for eight months.
The businesswoman, who calls herself a go-getter, moved into her house in February 2020, according to her landlady.
She was supposed to pay a deposit at the time, but it was claimed that she did instead of bribing Possa-Mogoera and her husband with goods from her boutique.
According to Possa-Mogoera, when they had made the decision to evict Rooksy, they were unable to do so due of the lockdown legislation, which forbade landlords from doing so.
“She refused to pay the rent despite our pleading. She claimed that the lockout damaged her company, Possa-Mogoera stated.
Thanks to “Rhoct,” the landlady found her
According to reports, Rooksy remained in Possa-home Mogoera’s until the water was turned off.
She apparently left after that, and they have been seeking for her ever since.
“When the water was turned off, she eventually moved. It appeared as though she was attempting to harm me.
We owe her R158,000. She only paid the first two months’ worth of rent.
The landlady stated, “I now have to pay R2 500 of the water bill each month that she never paid.
She added that she was startled when the star claimed to have millions of dollars on the show and said that if it weren’t for RHOCT, she would still be seeking for Rooksy.
ROCky is sobbing in defamation.
Rooksy, though, is certain that Possa-Mogoera is merely attempting to tarnish her reputation now that God has exalted her and she is on television.
“I am at a loss for words. I’m not even going to involve lawyers,” she reportedly said.
RHOCT had its television debut on Sunday, July 10 at 19:00 on Mzansi Magic (DSTV channel 161), however audiences haven’t exactly been enamoured with it.