Environmental Justice Fund applications are now available!

Apply for a grant of up to $75,000 by 4 p.m. Friday, September 16.

The City’s Environmental Justice Fund is currently accepting submissions from the Office of Sustainability and Environment. This fund, which was established in 2017, promotes initiatives whose beneficiaries or leaders include those most affected by environmental and climatic disparities, such as Black, Indigenous, and Individuals of Color (BIPOC) communities, immigrants, refugees, low-income people, young people, and the elderly. A total of $750,000 is available this year, with award levels ranging from $25,000 to $75,000. We are looking for proposals from nonprofit organizations and community groups that are striving to improve environmental justice and address the effects of climate change.

The deadline is 4 p.m. on Friday, September 16. The application link and more information can be found on our website here.

For those with further questions or in need of assistance, we’re offering several ways to get in touch. Prospective applicants can:

  • Sign up for a 30 minute call with a member of our team.
  • Attend either of two virtual information sessions, taking place August 18 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. and August 23 from 12-1 p.m.
  • Email us at ejfrfp@gmail.com.

On-demand interpretation is provided.

We’ll be spotlighting former grant winners on our blog and social media during the application season to show off some examples of what the Environmental Justice Fund has helped Seattleites achieve. Keep an eye out for more!

Summer interns for the Delridge Neighborhood Development Association, a 2019 Environmental Justice Fund grantee, transplant natural flora into planters they created.

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