49-year-old pastor’s wife gets life for instructing lover to shoot violent husband

On Wednesday, an Oklahoma lady was sentenced to life in prison without the chance of parole after admitting to encouraging her lover to murder her allegedly abusive pastor husband.

After completing the majority of her 45-year sentence, Kristie Evans, 49, will be eligible for parole in 2060.

On March 22, 2021, her spouse of three decades, David Evans, was assassinated.

Evans revealed at a sentencing hearing Tuesday that she had requested her boyfriend, Kahlil Square, to fatally shoot her husband as he slept.


The married couple met Square, 26, for threesomes on a regular basis until the two of them started their own romance behind David’s back, during which she requested him to murder her husband in their private moments together.


Her husband forced her to have sex with other guys, which is how she met Square, she claims.


Kristie first stated that an intruder had murdered him, but then confessed that the guilt ‘ate her alive’ and was jailed with Square in March 2021.


In court, she claimed that her husband was violent to her, portraying him as dominating and manipulative behind closed doors.


According to NBC News, she ‘understands there needs to be consequences for her acts, and she’s willing to serve whatever time is given down.’


From prison, the guilty mother of three told reporters that her husband had relentlessly abused her mentally and emotionally for years.


David, pastor of Harmony Free Will Baptist Church in Ada, is claimed to have called his wife a “frigid b**ch” because she couldn’t keep up with his intense hunger for group sex.


He once placed a.357 handgun under his chin as wife threatened divorce.


He would also limit her financial resources, she said, as well as physically abuse her.


Long, the pastor’s daughter, and one of their two boys, Zachary Evans, 28, characterized their father as physically abusive as well.


According to the siblings, he would smack the children’s heads together, yank them off the floor by their hair, and berate them while making them clean the home at night.


The abuse became so severe that the three children were put with their maternal grandparents in April 2010 after reporting their father’s actions to the authorities.Brittney Long, the Evan's daughter, is picturedDavid Evans was a pastor in Ada, Oklahoma


Kristie said that her spouse had pinched her arms while holding a pillow to her face, but she never reported it since there was no physical proof.

Kristie Evans, 49, is pictured right with her Pastor husband David Evans, pastor of Harmony Free Will Baptist Church in Ada, who was murdered on March 22, 2021

Square broke into the Evans’ house when David and Kristie were asleep and murdered the pastor in his bed.


Square then left the scene, and Kristie contacted 911, saying that an intruder had entered into her home and murdered her husband.


She admitted to her daughter, Brittney Long, four days later, that she had ‘begged’ her boyfriend to murder her father. She then went to the police station and handed herself in.


According to the charge papers, Kristie told officers she gave Square the rifle and a box of ammunition and left her backdoor unlocked for him to enter.


Jean Richardson, David’s mother, defended her son, saying he was not as dominating as Kristie alleged.


She said that if her marriage had been so difficult, she might have left him or sought treatment instead of imposing a “death sentence” on her kid.


Kristie’s daughter, who is now married and has a small kid of her own, said she doesn’t know what motivated her mother to take things into her own hands, but she suspected that it may have been a sense of despair.


‘At least now [she] has some power and say in her life that she didn’t have before,’ Miskel said.

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