Australian theme park visitor highlights approved smoking area

An Australian theme park visitor highlighted the unflinching yet ingenious manner management forbids smoking there.

The user of TikTok posted a video from a recent visit to Movie World on The Gold Coast, when she wandered inside the approved smoking area.

Numerous gravestones are scattered throughout the small area tucked away in a corner, along with an iron sign reading “Boot Hill”—a cemetery with a stereotypically wild west theme.

The visitor captioned the video, saying, “Australia has some extremely strong anti-smoking advertising on all their cigarette goods, but the dedicated smoking area at Movie World takes the cake.”

I laughed the whole drive home because of that.

I didn’t see a single smoking all day, so it must have also been successful, they said.

More than 20,000 people liked the video, and it generated hundreds of comments on the location’s suitability as a smoking break spot.

That’s incredible. I’ve gone to this same location before, but up until seeing this video, I missed the indication.

Another person chimed in, saying, “I’m glad it’s being put to good use.

That graveyard used to be one of my favourite parts of Movie World as a kid.”

“Australia has done a lot to significantly lower smoking rates. Another plus is that taxes make up 90% of the high price of cigarettes,’ a third person said.

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