How to preserve food this season

Experts have found a number of surprising techniques to assist families save money amid the cost-of-living crisis, including storing apples in the refrigerator, eggs in the freezer, and cucumbers in the cupboard.

Many consumers are looking for methods to save expenses since supermarket essentials have doubled in price over the last year and food prices have increased by a record 10% over the previous year.

And experts at consumer advocacy group Which? claim that individuals can save money and prevent waste by simply storing their food properly. For example, placing apples in the refrigerator can extend their shelf life by up to 77 days.

Salad creamTomato ketchup

Other suggestions include breaking and beating eggs before keeping them in a container, and then freezing them for up to six months. They will explode if frozen within their shells.

Instead of storing bread in the refrigerator, which dehydrates the loaf and results in stale-tasting pieces, bread should be placed in a bread bin. If it becomes stale, it may also be used for croutons, bread and butter pudding, or breadcrumbs. Additionally, according to experts, you may freeze bread before toasting it directly from the freezer or grilling it.

Cucumbers will last longer if they are kept in a cupboard or put in a dish on a countertop. Mushrooms can also be refrigerated, but first they should be covered in a paper bag to prevent them from getting slimy.

Peaches, plums, and cherries are examples of stoned fruits that mature better outside of the refrigerator, enabling the flavours to completely emerge.

Fruit that is overripe but shows no signs of mould may still be crumbled or used as a topping for oat bran.


Because of its high fat content and low moisture content, peanut butter is safe to keep after it has been opened as long as it is well packed and will last for many months.

Reena Sewraz, a spokesperson for Which?, stated: “The cost of living problem is putting a lot of families under stress, but many people aren’t aware that just storing your food differently may drastically prolong its shelf life, saving you money in the process.

Simple modifications like these may be particularly helpful if you bulk purchase or aren’t expecting to consume food right away.

For example, apples might last up to nearly three months longer if you put them in the fridge.

Read on to see what Which? experts advised you to do with your food to prevent it from going to waste:



Even while mayonnaise includes vinegar, the amount is insufficient to keep the egg-heavy condiment out of the refrigerator.

Bacteria may develop on silverware that has been dipped into a jar or bottle, but this can be prevented by cooling the item.


Because the nuts may experience mould growth and generate hazardous byproducts called mycotoxins, such as aflatoxin, pesto should always be stored in the refrigerator. This is a harmful bacterium that may seriously harm the liver.

Sauce tartare

Since tartar sauce often goes with fish and chips and includes egg in addition to having low acidity and a high water content that encourages the growth of microbes, it should be stored in the refrigerator.

Soup cream

Due to the presence of eggs, salad cream has to be refrigerated; however, it also contains potassium sorbate, a preservative, and spirit vinegar, which may help extend its shelf life.

Maple sugar

According to experts, anything with a sugar level more than 60% will work as a preservative to prevent microbial deterioration.

However, maple syrup falls slightly short of this standard and should be stored in the refrigerator to prevent the growth of certain moulds. Mold is likely to develop on the lid if it is stored in a cabinet.

Toasted ketchup

Ketchup may be kept after being opened in the refrigerator or on the shelf due to the high level of vinegar in it.

Brown sauce and barbecue sauce should be stored in the refrigerator if not used often.


Whether or not to store mustard in the refrigerator depends on the kind. While American yellow mustard will be good if placed in a cabinet, French Dijon mustard may survive a year after being opened if placed in the refrigerator.

Hors d’oeuvre

Horseradish should be kept in the refrigerator to retain its flavour and colour by limiting exposure to heat and light.

For one to three months, horseradish root may be kept in the refrigerator unwashed in a plastic bag.


Although most companies recommend storing jams in the refrigerator after opening, jams may also be kept in the cupboard.

However, experts point out that they should be stored in the refrigerator since they would survive far longer there.

Lettuce can be kept crisp for longer by washing it, spinning it dry and then storing it in a perforated container in the fridge


Chutney is often created using sugar and vinegar, which keeps it palatable for a long period.

If maintained consistently chilled and the jar is intact, it will still be safe to eat even if its texture, colour, or flavour may alter.


Mushrooms should be stored in the refrigerator in a paper bag since they contain a lot of water.

A paper bag allows them to breathe, however when this evaporates, it may get trapped in plastic and cause them to grow slimy.


The easiest approach to preserve lettuce’s crispness for as long as possible is to mimic the procedure often employed in restaurants, which is to wash, spin-dry, and then store lettuce in the refrigerator in a perforated container like a colander.


When kept in the refrigerator, apples will survive 69 to 77 days longer, according to research by the food waste charity Wrap.

For best value, experts encourage individuals to purchase a large bag of apples and keep them in the refrigerator.



If bread is kept in the refrigerator, it will lose moisture and get stale due to the chilly, dry environment.

Although it should be maintained in a bread bin, stale bread may be used for croutons, bread and butter pudding, or breadcrumbs.

According to experts, storing a loaf or slices is also OK; they may then be heated directly from the freezer to toast or grill.


Although many people store their cucumbers in the refrigerator, doing so may make the skin shrivel and the inside mushy. So it’s better to keep them in a cabinet or in a dish on the counter.

To prevent the effects of prolonged exposure to cold, it is advisable to place one in the refrigerator for an hour before eating it cold.


A ripe tomato may keep fresh for up to two weeks in the refrigerator, but low temperatures can change its texture and halt the work of the enzymes that contribute to its flavour. For maximum effects, people are suggested to place them in a fruit bowl.

Potatoes are thought to last an average of 90 days longer in the fridge - but it is recommended to keep them unrefrigerated


Although the Food Standards Agency notes that this can also result in higher levels of the naturally occurring carcinogenic chemical acrylamide, particularly if the potatoes are then cooked at extremely high temperatures, it is believed that potatoes last 90 days longer in the refrigerator on average. Thus, it is better to maintain them in a cool, dark location.

obstructed fruit

Peaches, plums, and cherries are examples of stoned fruits that mature considerably better outside of the refrigerator, enabling the flavours to completely emerge.

However, a lot of individuals are ready to make an exception since they prefer eating them when they are cool and refreshing.

You can also use overripe fruit that shows no signs of mould as a crumble or porridge topping.


Unripe bananas will struggle to ripen in the refrigerator, so they should be allowed to turn yellow first on the counter.

According to experts, brown bananas work well in baking and can be used in place of eggs in cakes and pancakes.


Cakes and other baked items spoil more quickly in the refrigerator than they would if left out at ambient temperature.

Additionally, because leftover or old cake may be made into brownies, experts advise against tossing it away.

Almond butter

Because peanut butter has a high fat content and little moisture, it might be difficult for germs to thrive and survive for months without refrigeration. If the jar is properly sealed, it may be kept in a cabinet.


While butter can last longer in the refrigerator, it may also be kept in a dish with a cover on the kitchen counter since the high fat content makes it difficult for germs to thrive there. Butter can go bad if it is exposed to air, light, and heat.


Although they may be used beyond the best before date as long as they are cooked thoroughly, an estimated 13,000 tonnes of eggs are lost each year because they are not consumed in time.

However, they must first be cracked and pounded before being frozen in a container. They may also be frozen for up to six months.

They should not be frozen within their shells or they will blow up.

spreadable chocolate

Nutella is more fluid and spreadable when stored at room temperature. If stored in the refrigerator, it will harden and lose its spreadable texture; if brought back to room temperature, it may spoil.


When honey is placed in the refrigerator, it hardens into an amber-like consistency that makes it difficult to squeeze out of a bottle.

Since honey is incredibly stable in storage, it has even been found in Egyptian tombs.

Garlic with onions

Because they may get mushy if kept in the refrigerator, onions and garlic should be stored in the dark in a well-ventilated area.

To prevent them from going bad, you may also slice them up and freeze them.

Champagne and wine

It is advisable to keep wine and Champagne in a cupboard since long-term refrigeration may have a detrimental influence on the wine’s flavour and quality.

Red wine may, however, be extended in shelf life by being refrigerated after opening.

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