At least 16 states help with food, gas, and rent

At least 16 states give financial support to individuals struggling with expensive food, gas, and rent.

Consumer prices fell in July, but they still increased 8.5% from a year earlier, nearing a four-decade record and quadrupling the Fed’s 2% objective.

Here’s how governors and legislators will benefit state taxpayers.


The state’s $308 billion budget includes $9.5 billion in direct refunds of up to $1,050 to 23 million individuals, according to the governor’s office.


Adult Coloradans who resided in the state in 2021 are owed $750 for individuals and $1,500 for joint filers by September 30, 2022.


Delaware citizens who submitted their 2021 state tax returns on time will get $300 this summer to offset increasing groceries and gasoline expenses.


59,000 households should get $450 per kid if they fulfilled eligibility requirements by July 1.


Due to a state revenue excess, taxpayers who filed before April 18 are getting up to $500 back.


In late August, Hawaii’s Department of Taxation would send refund checks of up to $300 depending on income, filing status, and exemptions.


According to Idaho’s State Tax Commission, anyone who resided in Idaho in 2020 and 2021 are eligible for $75 or 12% of their 2020 state taxes.



The state’s family assistance package suspends a 1% sales tax on goods until next June and freezes the motor fuel tax for six months. Illinois sends $50 refunds to low-income households and $100 for up to three dependents. The state will start sending payouts in September.


Indiana citizens who submitted their 2020 and 2021 tax returns are owing $325. State authorities warn about refund-related messages, emails, and calls.


Single filers in Maine may get $850 and couples $1,700 if they income less than $100,000 or $150,000.


Massachusetts taxpayers may obtain a refund equal to 7% of their 2021 state income tax payment from $2.5 billion in excess funds.

New Jersey

Under New Jersey’s June budget, 800,000 parents may earn $500 refund cheques. Details are still being worked out, but it helps 1.1 million homeowners and 900,000 renters.

New Mexico

Less-than-$75,000-a-year taxpayers may receive up to $750 in state refunds to “assist with increasing petrol, grocery, and other household costs,” authorities said.


Oregon utilised federal pandemic money to distribute $600 to 236,000 low-income families between June 23 and July 1, 2022.


South Carolina

South Carolina residents who file tax returns by Oct. 17, 2022, can expect $800 rebates in November and December.


The Virginia Department of Taxation says residents who owe taxes for 2021 can get $500 if they file by November 1.

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