Paddle boarder’s tumble into a canal goes viral

A paddle boarder went viral after sliding inches from a canal bank and falling in.

Chelsea Read, 34, from Chelmsford, Essex, tried paddle boarding.

After barely making it through her session uninjured, she flies off when the board ends.

Losing her footing, Chelsea cries in terror before laughing as she falls into Paper Mill Lock.

Chelsea’s mother was hysterical as she saw her daughter fall into five-foot-deep water.

Chelsea Read, 34, from Essex, slid off while paddle boarding for the first time.

Chelsea’s mom’s video became viral when relatives and friends shared it.

She replied, ‘I mainly evaded damage, except than injuring my toe and drinking water!’

Chelsea: ‘I was coming in from the ocean and didn’t realise the board stops when it reaches the wall, so I lost my balance.

‘As I fell, I was more concerned about the large carp I spotted five minutes before.

My relatives and friends can’t stop sharing and viewing the video; I’ve had several messages.

I just injured my toe and drank a lot of water.

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