58-year-old Texas realtor jailed after video shows her abusing Indian ladies

A Texas realtor was detained after being caught on camera racially abusing a group of Indian ladies and shouted, “We don’t want you here,” at them.

On Wednesday night in Plano, Texas, Esmerelda Upton, 58, saw the group of four Indian ladies outside the Sixty Vines wine bar.

At one point, Upton exclaims, “I detest these f****** Indians. F****** curry-ass** b****es.”

One of the ladies who recorded the interaction, Rani Banerjee, said that in her 29 years of living in the Dallas region, “never have I felt so humiliated, frightened, and terrified for my life.”

I can’t believe this is what America has become, she continued.

At one point, Upton exclaims, “I detest these f****** Indians. F****** curry-ass** b****es.”

Uncertainty surrounds how the interaction in the parking lot started, but one of the ladies claims that Upton, who works for the Citigroup-owned California Federal Bank, approached them.

Why did you come here if everything in your nation was so wonderful? Upton claims.

Upton rushes at another woman, seizing her phone and attempts to tear it from her hands while one of the ladies contacts the police.

She reports to the police that a white lady wearing a black dress is assaulting them.

I’m not white; I’m Mexican, she said. Upton responds, “And I paid my f****** way here.”

These f****** Indians come to America in search of a better life, you know.

“These f****** Indians,” I said. I identify as Mexican-American. I was created here. Did you develop here? your speech pattern.

You Indians are f****** everywhere, wherever I f****** go.

Upton makes fun of one of the ladies when she claims to be a naturalised citizen.

You are not an American citizen by birth or upbringing, she argues, calling you a naturalised citizen.

Upton seems to realise she has made a mistake at some point throughout the five-minute interaction and adds, “M’am, I am sorry.” I tell you what, peace.

The woman responds, “Well, you know what, f*** you,” after the ladies decline to shake her hand.

Upton declares, “I’m not going to injure you guys,” as one of the ladies continues to call the police, getting more concerned and pleading with them to leave immediately. Look at me, I only weigh 100 pounds. And the two of you weigh well over 200 pounds.

She then charges at the ladies once again while yelling, “Stop recording me or I’ll destroy your f****** camera.”

On the phone to the police, the scared lady screams, “Oh my God, she’s reaching inside her bag.” Please arrive right away!

When the police showed there, Upton was taken into custody.

She faces more accusations in addition to those for assault with bodily harm and terroristic threat. Additionally, police are looking into it as a potential hate crime.

The bail set for Upton is $10,000.

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