Former NBA coach who compared President Biden’s student loan forgiveness to Jesus’ miracle of feeding the masses has come under fire.
Former head coach of the Orlando Magic, Miami Heat, and Detroit Pistons Stan Van Gundy posted a meme meant to condemn Republican mindsets, but it inadvertently made his own political reasoning the target of mockery.
The caption on the meme read, “Jesus’s miracle of the loaves and fishes was a slap in the face to all the people who brought their own lunch.” It depicted a painting of Jesus’ miracle of the loaves and fishes, a biblical story in which Jesus miraculously multiplies a supply of bread and fish to feed thousands of people.
Van Gundy added his own caption to the tweet, writing, “Republican reasoning,” with the apparent intention of criticising Republicans for being obstinately unkind in their opposition to Biden’s proposal to cancel $10,000 in student loan debt for anyone earning up to $125,000.
Twitter users swiftly attacked Gundy, claiming that his Tweet was just intended to highlight Democrats’ flawed worldview rather than provide sharp critique.
Which scripture details Jesus charging those who brought their own lunches, among others, in order to pay for the loaves and fishes? One user summarised the overall attitude of the comments in a message.
Stan asked, “Where did the loaves and fishes originate from?” Noam Blum, a conservative pundit, wrote.
Ron Bassilian, a writer, said, “Love this. 1. The left believes that the state is God. 2. The left considers social programmes to be miracles that defy thermodynamic rules.
Another person said, “It seems more like Jesus performed the miracle for the people who received the fish and loaves for free, but charged the folks who brought their own lunch $500 billion.”
According to a contributor, “The government is not Jesus,” and “The loaves and fishes weren’t taken from gentlemen down the coast,” and “The distribution also wasn’t targeted to a select few.” Other than that, a very good parallel.
During Donald Trump’s administration, the former coach turned become a vocal opponent of conservatives on his Twitter feed. He entered local politics and promoted the candidacies of progressives while relentlessly criticising conservatives and their positions.
In an interview with GQ regarding his Twitter politics, Van Gundy said, “It’s hard to sit back and be quiet.” He said that in the run-up to the 2020 election, he felt the need to address “racial inequality, criminal justice reform, and obviously the pandemic.”
In reaction to Van Guny’s tweet, Penn Wharton analysts have estimated that Biden’s comprehensive proposal to eliminate student debt would cost at least $605 billion and maybe more than $1 trillion.
The cost of the plan’s debt cancellation provisions was estimated to range from $469 billion to $519 billion during a 10-year budget frame, with the precise amount dependent on whether current or new students are taken into account.
Biden said that beneficiaries of Pell Grants would be eligible for a $20,000 debt forgiveness programme and that individuals earning up to $125,000 would have $10,000 of their federal student loans cancelled.
According to Penn Wharton, persons earning less than $88,000 a year would benefit from debt cancellation in around three-fourths of cases.
The cost of extending the payment freeze until January 2023 is $16 billion more. The’static’ evaluation of the proposal would cost $605 billion after adding the extra $70 billion for the income-driven repayment (IDR) scheme.
The new IDR provisions include capping repayment at 5% of monthly income (instead of the current 10%), paying borrowers’ accrued interest so that debt balances won’t increase even when income-adjusted monthly payments are zero, and forgiving loan balances of $12,000 or less after 10 years of payments, rather than after 20.