Amber Parker was dismissed for calling pedophiles’minor attracted persons’

A teacher in Texas was terminated after she was caught on film urging students not to use the term ‘pedophiles’ but rather’minor attracted persons’

Amber Parker, 53, who taught English at Franklin High School in El Paso was fired for telling students 'don't judge people for wanting to have sex with 5-year-olds' and asking them to call pedophiles 'minor attracted persons'

Amber Parker, 53, who taught English at Franklin High School in El Paso was fired for telling students 'don't judge people for wanting to have sex with 5-year-olds' and asking them to call pedophiles 'minor attracted persons'

English teacher Amber Parker, 53

Amber Parker, 53, was fired from her position as an English teacher at Franklin High School in El Paso after making statements that were captured on film and circulated on social media.

During the 18-second film that was uploaded to TikTok, the teacher can be heard urging kids to cease using the derogatory term. You may not categorize persons in this manner. Stop it, Diego.’

In the video, Parker can be heard advising her English students, “We’re not going to call them that.”

She added, “We will refer to them as MAPs, or minor attracted persons.” Therefore, do not judge people because they want to have sexual relations with a five-year-old.

Parker was said to have been teaching students about The Crucible play when the subject suddenly veered onto pedophiles. She is pictured with husband Jason and their two grandkids

Parker was said to have been teaching students about The Crucible play when the subject suddenly veered onto pedophiles. She is pictured with husband Jason and their two grandkids

Amber Parker, a 53-year-old English teacher at Franklin High School in El Paso, was terminated after advising her students, “Don’t criticize people for wanting to have sex with 5-year-olds” and requesting that they refer to pedophiles as “minor attracted persons.”

Parker (right) is pictured with husband of 30 years, Jason Parker

Parker (right) is pictured with husband of 30 years, Jason Parker

Parker (right) is shown with her spouse of 30 years, Jason Parker (pictured).

A teacher in Texas was sacked when she was caught on camera urging students not to refer to pedophiles, but rather to refer to “minor attracted folks.”

Amber Parker, 53, who taught English at Franklin High School in El Paso and made the statements that were captured on film and circulated on social media, was terminated.

The term minor attracted folks enables individuals to avoid the stigma associated with the term pedophile.

Last week’s event was immediately reported to the school district, and an inquiry was initiated, leading to Parker’s initial suspension and subsequent dismissal.

Amber Parker, 53, who taught English at Franklin High School in El Paso was fired after making the comments in class which were all captured on video and subsequently shared to social media

Amber Parker, 53, who taught English at Franklin High School in El Paso was fired after making the comments in class which were all captured on video and subsequently shared to social media

It was unclear in what context the talk took place, although students claimed it was part of a class discussion as they prepared to read The Crucible.

Some students and parents were quick to defend the instructor, arguing that the footage did not accurately represent Parker’s values and that the exchange was misrepresented.

El Paso's Independent School District board of trustees, led by Superintendent Diana Sayavedra (pictured), unanimously voted to fire Parker following her controversial remarks

El Paso's Independent School District board of trustees, led by Superintendent Diana Sayavedra (pictured), unanimously voted to fire Parker following her controversial remarks

Others, though, condemned her for her statements. And after conducting an inquiry, school officials determined that her behavior warranted additional punishment.

Parker was allegedly lecturing pupils about The Crucible when the topic abruptly shifted to pedophilia. She is depicted beside her husband Jason and their two grandchildren.

The Texas teacher has been fired after she was caught on tape instructing students not to use the term pedophiles, but instead use the term 'minor attracted persons'

The Texas teacher has been fired after she was caught on tape instructing students not to use the term pedophiles, but instead use the term 'minor attracted persons'

Last week’s incident was quickly reported to the school district, and a subsequent inquiry led to Parker’s initial suspension and eventual dismissal.

Daniel Call, a school board trustee, stated that he believed Parker was pretending to espouse a position in order to prepare her students to read the play and challenge them intellectually.

She [the teacher] was stressing how absurd it was that we [society] might not be able to call certain individuals pedophiles.

Parker, a married mother-of-five children and two grandchildren, was identified by the El Paso Teachers Association as the woman on the recording

Parker, a married mother-of-five children and two grandchildren, was identified by the El Paso Teachers Association as the woman on the recording

That we [society] will likely have to start calling them MAPs because calling them pedophiles is offensive. The class agreed,’ Franklin High School junior Ryann Ruvalcaba told Fox 17.

The El Paso Independent School District declined to provide an official response to questions regarding the cause of the classroom discussion. However, Daniel Call, a school board trustee, stated that he believed Parker was pretending to advocate a position in order to challenge her students and prepare them to read the play.

One week later, he had a sudden change of heart.

Call told KFoxTV, “Any reasonable person who heard what the seven trustees heard would have decided to terminate Amber Parker.”

Call explained his about-face by stating, “There were more things that the public may not be aware of that were included in the closed conclusions.”

Parker, a married mother of five children and two grandchildren, was recognized as the woman on the audio by the El Paso Teachers Association.

Parker, a married mother of five children and two grandchildren, was recognized as the woman on the audio by the El Paso Teachers Association.

When contacted by, Parker stated she was ‘not legally permitted to speak at this time.’

Jason Parker, the husband of Parker, posted on Facebook after the video’s distribution: “I happen to be the spouse of the in question educator. I can assure you that these accusations shook us to our core.

It is incredibly frightening and distressing that a manipulated 18-second footage taken out of context may destroy a 30-year career. She is an exceptional educator who genuinely cares about her students.

Needless to say, we have had many restless nights due to the harsh release of the 18 seconds on social media.

“We pray that you and the rest of the board will see this for what it is and not allow a manipulated film to destroy an innocent woman’s career and family,”

The president of the El Paso Teachers Association, Norma De La Rosa, expressed disappointment and anger with the rapid approval of Parker’s termination.

The school board had recommended Parker’s suspension without pay or termination of his probationary job contract from 2022 to 2023.

Parker has the option to file an appeal.

Allyn Walker, 34, a former lecturer at Old Dominion University who was forced to leave last year after defending pedophiles by suggesting that society should refer to them as “Minor Attracted Persons,” has been hired by a Johns Hopkins program dedicated to preventing child sexual abuse.

She is not the only educator to employ the phrase “minor attracted individual.”

A transgender lecturer at Old Dominion University was forced to retire in 2020 after defending pedophiles by suggesting that society should refer to them as “Minor Attracted Persons.”

Allyn Walker, aged 34, was then hired by Johns Hopkins University as a postdoctoral fellow for the Baltimore school’s center for preventing child sexual abuse.

The institute, which was founded in 2012, promotes itself on its website as “a research center that develops a public health strategy to preventing child sexual abuse through rigorous science.”

Walker, who uses they/them pronouns, was expelled from Virginia’s Old Dominion University in November 2019, after more than 15,000 outraged bystanders signed a petition to have them removed for the controversial remarks made by the professor and elaborated on in the 2021 book ‘Long Dark Shadow: Minor Attracted People’

In the book, Walker aims to destigmatize pedophilia and encourages readers to refer to pedophiles as “Minor Attracted People,” arguing that they should not be stigmatized for their uncontrollable inclinations.

The lecturer, who holds a Ph.D. in criminal justice, also asserts in the book that pedophiles should be given child-like sex dolls to satisfy their needs and that the sex crime was not ‘immoral.’

While promoting the book, Walker stated, “Many people automatically assume that pedophile means sexual offender when they hear the word. That’s not the case. And this leads to several misunderstandings.

‘They feel that pedophiles do not ‘select’ whom they are attracted to; therefore, [it] should not be called ‘immoral.’

Furthermore, the professor stated that pedophiles should be offered ‘assistance’ and are not ‘destined’ to act on their physical inclinations.

Professor Walker, who holds a Ph.D. in criminal justice, says that pedophiles should be provided with childlike sex dolls to satiate their cravings and that the sex crime was not ‘immoral’

In a November interview, Walker suggested that people can be attracted to children without acting on that attraction.

Walker’s book, in which the 34-year-old tries to destigmatize pedophilia and encourages people to refer to pedophiles as “Minor Attracted People,” arguing that they should not be shunned for their desires.

The lecturer supported the use of the phrase “minor-attracted individuals” to characterize the phenomena.

Walker stated, “It is less stigmatizing than other labels such as pedophile.”

“Many people, upon hearing the term pedophile, instantly think that it refers to a sexual criminal. And that is not the case. And this leads to several misconceptions concerning attractions aimed at children.’ The words soon sparked controversy among students, who said the lecturer was defending criminals and employing a ‘blanket’ term for pedophilia.

The university’s Trans Advisory Board issued a statement calling Walker’s words “reprehensible,” detrimental to pedophilia victims, and not representative of the trans community as a whole.

The outcry prompted school administrators to place Walker on administrative leave, citing safety concerns.

Students subsequently drafted a petition demanding Walker’s dismissal, which – together with the school’s campus protests – led to Walker’s dismissal.

Following the news of Walker’s dismissal, they issued the following statement: ‘Let me be clear: child sexual abuse is a heinous crime.

Walker stated, “As an assistant professor of sociology and criminal justice, the purpose of my research is to prevent crime.”

I undertook this research in an effort to obtain a knowledge of a previously unstudied group in order to develop measures to protect children.

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