Former US President Barack Obama stated that the first time he met Queen Elizabeth II, she reminded him of his grandmother.
In a new tribute uploaded to Obama’s Twitter account on Monday, the day of the Queen’s funeral, he recalled recollections from their connection, which began during his presidency.
“I was startled by how much she reminded me of my grandma,” he stated in the video tribute. Not only in look, but in demeanor as well.
Obama described the Queen as “extremely courteous, straightforward, and with a sardonic sense of humor”
He stated that she was a “superb listener” and has “sincere inquiry.”
Obama stated, “She could not have been more nice or compassionate to me and Michelle.”
Then, he recalled when Michelle traveled to England with Malia and Sasha. Obama stated that Buckingham Palace spontaneously invited the three of them to tea.
Obama stated that upon arrival, the Queen allowed Malia and Sasha to tour the gardens in her golden chariot.
Obama stated, “It was the kind of kindness and consideration that left an indelible effect on my girls’ lives.”
Michelle presented Her Majesty with a “little, humble brooch of minimal worth” at a 2011 State Dinner at Buckingham Palace, which both he and Michelle attended.
Obama stated that Michelle got apprehensive about her present after observing the Queen’s attire during the event.
However, he stated that they “repaid” the event the following evening by holding a dinner at the American Embassy. The Queen appeared wearing the brooch Michelle had given her.
Obama stated, “It was an example of the delicate thoughtfulness she routinely demonstrated not only to us, but to everyone with whom she interacted.”
Obama made light of her punctuality by recalling how she was “mindful of Buckingham Palace guests not overstaying their welcome.” Similarly, she was mindful of not overstaying her welcome everywhere she went, frequently looking at her watch and remarking “well, okay, it’s time to leave” or “alright, I believe we should wrap this up”
“The combination of a sense of duty and clear understanding of her role as a symbol for a nation and as a carrier of a certain set of values combined with a very human quality of kindness and consideration I think that is what made her so beloved,” Obama said of Queen Elizabeth. Not just in the United Kingdom, but worldwide.
—Barack Obama (@BarackObama)
September 19, 2022