According to a new book, palace insiders suspected Meghan Markle was leaving “proof”

According to a new book, palace staffers thought the Duchess of Sussex was purposefully leaving a “trail of evidence” as she methodically planned her separation from the Royal Family.

The Duchess was referred to as a “narcissistic psychopath” by her aides, who went by the moniker “Sussex Survivors’ Club” when Meghan and Harry resigned from their positions.

The Sunday Times released excerpts from Valentine Low’s book Courtiers: The Hidden Power Behind the Crown yesterday night.

The Sussexes’ worsening relationship with their workers is detailed in the book. These employees were “good individuals” who believed in Meghan and “would have done everything” to support the pair.

However, it claims that staff members began to think that Meghan’s departure was planned and that one of her worries was whether or not she would be able to support herself.

She wanted to be rejected because she was preoccupied with that story from day one, one ex-staff member told the author.

And according to insiders, her squad allegedly repeatedly claimed of her, “We were played.”

The Duchess complained to HR executives, who listened politely but provided no assistance, the book alleges. Staff members were persuaded that the Duchess intended to demonstrate how the institution had failed her.

It is said in the book that “This was inevitable: HR is meant to deal with employee difficulties, not members of the Royal Family.” What was Meghan doing there if she would have known that, I suppose? The cynical response would be to leave a trail of proof.

‘Everyone understood that the institution would be assessed by her happiness,’ a former employee told Low. They erred in believing she only desired happiness.

Meghan emphasised the distinction between the Queen and those around her in her interview with Oprah Winfrey in March 2021. She thought that these people shunned her in her time of need and spread “falsehoods” about her.

However, the aides were so frustrated that they started to believe that her pleadings for help were part of a calculated plan to make it easier for her to go.

They think she wanted to be able to claim, “Look how they failed to support me,” according to the book.

The Queen personally requested Samantha Cohen to fill in as the couple’s private secretary, and she worked for the Sussexes from the time of their wedding in May 2018 until the conclusion of their South Africa tour in September 2019. Sara Latham, who was in charge of communications, was also a key member of the Survivors’ Club. Marnie Gaffney, an assistant press secretary, was one of the others.

Some of Meghan’s employees allegedly “suspected that she intended to earn money in the end,” according to the book. And the only way she could achieve it was to return to America while leaving her life as a princess behind.

Everyone in the Palace was too polite and courteous, one insider said, which contributed to the issue. “When someone chooses not to be pleasant, they have no clue what to do,” the person said. She ran over them first, and Harry followed suit. According to excerpts, Ms. Cohen, who had worked at the Palace for 17 years, repeatedly told Edward Young, the Queen’s private secretary, and Clive Alderton, Charles’ private secretary, that the Palace required proof of the duty of care it had given to Harry and Meghan in case anything went wrong.

The caring obligation was essential. According to a source, “[Sam] was a broken record with them on it.”

According to a source included in the book, Ms. Cohen was “bullied” and nothing she accomplished was ever satisfactory to the pair. According to a source, Sam Cohen constantly made it apparent that it was similar to working for a couple of teens. They strained her to the breaking point and were impossible. She was depressed.

Last year, the Duchess’s attorneys refuted claims that Miss Cohen had been bullied, stating the pair had always appreciated her commitment and support.

They have also consistently said that the Duchess has “totally denied” bullying anybody and that such accusations are “massively wrong.” Despite finding that Buckingham Palace will evaluate how it handled bullying accusations, the investigation did not find evidence that Meghan had really mistreated anybody.

The worsening connection between Harry and Meghan and Alderton and Young, according to the book, added to the tensions.

According to royal writer Robert Lacey, Meghan began to see Young as the rigid, bureaucratic person who encapsulated everything [wrong] with the BP [Buckingham Palace] ethos. This perception was shared. Young grew to detest Meghan’s fashion sense.

Harry treated the two senior courtiers with the same contempt that Meghan did. He used to send them awful emails, an insider said. Very rude.

They developed their escape strategies in the strictest secrecy. The book claims: “Meghan did not even inform their nanny, Lorren, where they were going when Harry and Meghan travelled to Canada for their six-week holiday in November 2019.”

According to the book, Meghan told a member of her staff that the pair was breaking up, but other people didn’t find out until January 2020. According to the book, “They found it difficult to believe they were being abandoned.” Some of them “were crying.”

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