Millions of Americans were aided by three rounds of stimulus payments during the epidemic, but up to 10 million recipients may still be waiting for their funds, according to a recent government study.
The Government Accountability Office said on Tuesday that 165 million Americans were eligible for the stimulus checks, which included $931 billion in direct payments.
The IRS used tax returns to make eligibility determinations and provide payments to individuals and families, sending the cheques to home addresses or bank accounts.
However, millions of Americans, including some people with very low incomes and certain elderly who solely get Social Security payments, are exempt from the tax filing requirement.
They may not have received all of their payouts because the IRS found it difficult to contact them when it was handing out stimulus cheques, according to the GAO.
The GAO said in the study that “during the epidemic, the IRS and Treasury struggled to get COVID-relief funds into the hands of certain people—particularly those with lower incomes, limited internet access, or facing homelessness.”
Still time to make a claim
The article observed that there is some good news: those who missed out on receiving their stimulus cheques still have time to do so.
The GAO said that those who have little to no income and are not obliged to pay taxes have until November 15 to file a simplified tax return in order to get their reimbursements.
Additionally, there is still time for parents to apply for the enhanced Child Tax Credit, which was given to qualified families last year.
Families with children under 17 might get up to $3,600 from this credit, but parents who did not get the payments last year have only until November 15 to make a claim.
The IRS website for “Economic Impact Payments,” the program’s official name, has instructions on how to file a claim for a missed stimulus payment. To get the money, you must submit a simplified tax return.
Parents may use the website to submit claims for any unclaimed child tax credits from 2021.
People who must file taxes because of their income but missed the April 15 deadline to do so have until October 17 to claim the payouts, according to the GAO.
If you asked the IRS for an extension, the due date for 2021 tax returns is October 17.