An outraged outcry from British citizens resulted in a motorist being fined £130 after he moved into a bus lane to allow an ambulance to pass.
After temporarily entering the bus lane in Walthamstow, east London, James Sheridan-Vigor received the fine.
He then appealed the punishment, but Waltham Forest Council originally turned it down.
According to Mr. Sheridan-Vigor, “Even when I appealed, they stated they issued it appropriately and that emergency vehicles had the right to use the bus lane therefore myself (and two other cars) “would be more likely to hinder their passage than help them” – which I entirely understand.”
However, because an ambulance can’t just drive past a bus that is stopped, it must overtake on the right.
So, based on this, I infer that they either misread the evidence or misapplied it.
“Or we’re not meant to support our first responders and get out of the way,” someone said.
The angry motorist eventually got a letter in response to his appeal, which stated: “Under present law, a vehicle may not drive, park, or stop in a bus lane during the time that the bus is operating, unless the signs indicate that a vehicle may do so.
I must warn you that emergency vehicles may use the bus lane to react to an emergency, thus using the bus lane to pass an emergency vehicle is more likely to block their journey than to help it.
When interacting with an emergency vehicle, a driver must not break the law unless instructed to do so by a police officer who is on duty.
However, the council finally gave in to criticism and revoked the punishment after admitting to a reporter that a mistake had been made.
Others in London condemned the fee as a “disgrace,” with many stating that drivers ought to be allowed to quickly move out of the way for emergency services without worrying about receiving a charge.
Angry Britons have defended the driver, saying that no one should be penalized for aiding paramedics in saving lives.
‘It’s total crazy, an ambulance has to go to an emergency call so pulling over for a minute to allow them past is crucial,’ one person added.
I really hope that the individuals who impose the penalties never need an emergency ambulance for a member of their family. It may come down to life or death.
One more person said: “Idiotic laws. We pull over when we see an ambulance or a police vehicle, and now we’re being penalized for the stupid restrictions.”
According to the council’s policy, if an emergency vehicle is responding to a call by flashing its lights and sounding its siren and a car moves aside to make room, they will not be fined, even if they are in a bus lane.

Drivers risk receiving a citation if they move into a bus lane to let an ambulance pass if the ambulance is not on call.
Someone said, “That’s a shame. The bus lane is intended to improve traffic flow, not to extort money from law-abiding citizens. It is very evident that you are not using it to pass through traffic.
Since one person further said, “I’m afraid the law says that you are not permitted in bus lanes, halt in yellow boxes, or cross red lights even for emergency vehicles – foolish legislation as you may have even helped save someone’s life.”
The fine was issued incorrectly, according to our investigation into the matter, Waltham Forest Council said. It has since been abandoned. We sincerely apologize for the error.