Sen. Mike Lee of Utah sought to differentiate himself from former President Donald Trump during a tense Monday evening debate in Orem, Utah.
The second-term Republican stated, “I have repeatedly opposed wasteful spending against the wishes of my own party, and I will continue to do so. We need people who say no.”
Lee highlighted frequently to his voting record and stated twice to the audience at Utah Valley University that he voted less in line with Trump than other Republican senators save Rand Paul and Susan Collins.
Lee stated, “To claim that I’m indebted to any party or that I’ve been a party hack for either party is foolish and refuted by the facts.”
Evan McMullin, a former Republican best known for his long-shot candidacy for president six years ago, when as an independent he garnered 21.5% of Utah voters, including Lee, poses a challenge to Lee. McMullin has remained a pillar of the anti-Trump movement, continuing to denounce the former president as an authoritarian who threatens democracy.
Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee, on the right, and his independent opponent Evan McMullin pose for photographs prior to their televised debate on October 17, 2022, in Orem, Utah, three weeks prior to Election Day. Rick Bowmer / AP
Lee’s attempts to differentiate himself from Trump mirror the odd electoral dynamics occurring in Utah this year. In the most prominent election in the red state, one candidate is an independent and the other is attempting to promote his independence.
The contest has become one of the nation’s many referendums on Trump’s leadership of the Republican Party. McMullin is hoping to capitalize on the anti-Trump feeling that has set Utah apart from other Republican strongholds. As Election Day approaches, Lee’s last-ditch efforts to differentiate his voting record from Trump’s positions depart from his previous messaging.
Carson Jorgensen, chair of the Utah Republican Party, stated, “I don’t believe he’s trying to distance himself from Trump; I believe he’s trying to establish a comparison.”
“No, he has always stood up for his beliefs, including when it came to Trump,” he added.
Utah is a consistently Republican state, although its politics are distinctive due to the influence of religion. The majority of citizens are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which sets a premium on good manners and shuns alcohol and profanity. Despite the fact that members of the church lean Republican, polls indicates that Trump has less support among them than other notable Republicans.
In 2016, Trump failed to garner majority support from Utah voters, while Joe Biden scored better with Utah voters in 2020 than any Democrat since 1964.
McMullin seeks to portray Lee as one of the former president’s most devoted disciples, but Lee emphasizes his readiness to depart from Trump. McMullin recently published an attack ad based on Lee’s 2020 comments comparing Trump to the Book of Mormon hero Captain Moroni.
Monday’s debate was McMullin’s first opportunity to challenge Lee directly about the text conversations he sent to Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows prior to the January 6, 2021 attack on the United States. He has made the Capitol the focal point of his campaign.
Lee requests counsel on how to assist to attempts to challenge the outcome of the 2020 election. Lee has justified his conduct by stating that he merely planned to investigate the legal arguments and rumors regarding swing states submitting fraudulent voter lists, noting that he ultimately voted to certify the results.
Lee sought an apology from McMullin on Monday, stating that his account of the events displayed “a casual, reckless disdain for the truth.”
Although the mails suggest that Lee investigated the legality of alternate elector slates prior to January 6, Lee stated that they did not demonstrate that he would have backed such a plan.
When McMullin labeled Lee’s conduct “a travesty,” a rowdy crowd comprised primarily of Lee fans jeered and booed.
McMullin pointed at Lee and said, “Senator Lee, that was the most flagrant betrayal of our nation’s Constitution by a U.S. Senator in our nation’s history, and I believe it will be your legacy.”